• Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed this movie, it was entertaining and worth a watch! A celebrity chef gone hell bent on torturing a guy who wrote many bad reviews on his finest cuisine. The story line is simple and the camera work in this movie was awesome!

    The main characters were all great, the only person I wasn't crazy about was the private investigator who seemed weird and out of place in the movie. He looked like someone who went into a coma in the 80's and woke up 20 years later. Other than that everything was very suspenseful without being too over the top. But for what was an 8/10 movie for me quickly flopped near the end.

    Before I go on, I say the movie IS worth a watch. I'm not a thriller fan at all but I actually watched this on TV because it was interesting. Below I explain the ending though and why I gave it a negative review. It contains spoilers so I recommend you watch and judge for yourself and unless you really don't care.

    * SPOILERS BELOW * The ending in my opinion is pretty horrible which killed the movie for me. Near the end the food critics girlfriend gets kidnapped and taken hostage by the insane chef. The movie went downhill from there. First off when he kidnapped her there was the horror movie forced nudity, they just had to show the girl topless in the bathtub! Second he played a silly hunting game with the critic and ended up killing him in the end. The girlfriend breaks free and she ends up killing the insane chef. We don't know how she copes or survives because the credits kick in. I thought it was because they were trying to show things from the chef's perspective but that's not true, the story in the beginning went between both characters and into the girlfriends life a little. It just didn't work.

    Why did I think this was a bad ending? The whole point of the movie was the chef wanted to bring pain and misery to the food critic for criticizing his food. When he kidnapped the girlfriend, I was expecting him to kill the girl right in front of him to make him upset and then I thought he would make him cook her or something sick like that. It would have tied into the story and showed how sick and twisted he was. Instead he just ties her up and plays a hunting game with the food critic. There were so many better ways to have done the ending, I just didn't like it.