• I remember seeing this years ago when I was in High school-- I really wish I had taped it, but I really don't think I had a VCR back then!! I remember I did enjoy the program very much and would like to see this again because it has left a mark on me and how we perceive and Receive, our political leaders. I encourage PBS or some other network or cable entity to show this again because so many young people could get a completely different perspective on our political leaders. This is one of those rare opportunities for not just younger people, but those of us who saw it but once, to see a production that is well done, again.

    Mike Farrel, Who I had sent an email to about three years ago on his portrayal of JFK, was very gracious in his response to me and explained that doing this role was something he never saw himself doing, but he was glad he did it because he got to know JFK on a whole new level, and because of that, his portrayal was done with graceful enthusiasm,and it showed.

    Again, a program that I haven't seen in 25 years is still with me, it must have been an extremely well produced and well acted play. If you do get find this somewhere, please pass the information along to other users because this is one production that you should not miss if you get a chance to see it.