• Warning: Spoilers
    Fred Olen Ray's first "big" commercial release (it was the film that made me aware of his existence) stars Kirk Alyn a an archeology professor who has a group of students go out to a forbidden Indian burial ground where one is possessed by the spirit of one of the dead natives. Clearly shot on the cheap with almost no sound effects in the film, sequences appear to have been shot with sound when they happened or silent with a music score laid over them. It produces an odd effect and makes the film seem more like a home movie then a professional film that was written up in the magazines like Fangoria upon its release. The oddness of the sound is what kind of wrecks the film because otherwise this is a perfect example of the gory horror films that were being cranked out by the smaller producers, with a stereotypical plot, a big star (former Superman Alyn who over acts) and some, for the time, good gore effects. Honestly this is almost an okay little film, but its technical limitations make this something thats more likely to put to to sleep rather then send a chill up and down your spine. 3 out of 10