• Did I see a different movie from the other reviewers here at IMDb? Is there no one else out there (except for my wife, who watched this with me) who thinks this movie sucks? I can't imagine how anyone who has seen the first marvelously creepy "Cat People" can be anything but bored into a stupor by this crappy follow up.

    The movie doesn't even make any sense. The screenwriters made absolutely no effort to craft a plot with any coherence, or really one that has anything to do with the first film. Oh sure, the same actors are in this one, playing the same people, but there's no consistency in the characterization between the two films. There also happens to be absolutely nothing to do with cat people, which given the title and its predecessor, would seem to be a bit of an oversight on the part of the filmmakers.

    Absolutely the only thing that makes this film worth watching is the presence of Simone Simon, who gets far too little screen time -- she doesn't even make her first appearance until around the 35 minute mark, and this is only a 70 minute film! But I clung to every second of her appearance like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver. Unfortunately, my efforts didn't succeed in saving either me or this terribly dismal film.

    Grade: D-