• This film was shot in 2002 but it was three years later that I saw this film at the Naples Film Festival and it was a terrific film!! Anthony Hopkins was the lawyer who is hired to save Baldwin form eternal damnation and he was terrific. Jennifer Love Hewitt was sensational as the Devil and as usual, Kim Cattrall was a knock-out. Dan Akroyd really showed off his dramatic talents.

    Of all the actors in the film, the one I had to rank the lowest was Baldwin. He really had no business acting or directing this film. His performance left a lot to be desired and his directing even more so. I found out later that he walked off the set after he turned in his Director's cut and they hired a new editor who literally saved this film the dying a slow death.

    I read in the trades where Producers Michael Gordon and David Glasser were the ones who kept trying to keep this film from sitting on a shelf for the next twenty years and finally got Bob Yari to acquire the film from the insurance company. Make a point to see this film when it comes out, I think it was well worth the wait.