• I have to say that Johnny zero is a bit different from the other action shows that I have seen on TV for the past few years. I have to agree with an other user's comment saying that Franky G is sometimes a little too stiff in certain scenes but I can see that he fits the bad guy / good guy mold perfectly...you know, rough around the edges but smoother in the inside!!! He will grow into his character and then he'll be able to make us relate to that guy (Johnny) because it will come out a lot more natural. Since he seems to have all the right ingredients for that part I'm sure it will get way better!!! I have to say something about the sidekick (GQ)...from the first episode the character seems to be a little too comfortable in being shot at or looking at a gang of thugs waiting to beat you up and acting somewhat a little too calm about all this. It's like Johnny has found someone who's been waiting to be a sidekick all his life. Johnny has been in jail so he's somewhat used to that...but him??? I like GQ (Random)he's all right but the writers need to have this character step back a little and slowly get to be the friend, partner, sidekick of Johnny...it has to be a lot more natural people!!! My opinion also is that he needs to have somewhat of a better reason for wanting to hang around Johnny...not just because he wants to be pals with him. We all know why johnny bends in that direction, we know his angle...what's his??? With a little fine tuning I see a future for that show!!!