• If you are a fan of the classic Jon Pertwee story "The Daemons" then this video is a natural! Part of the cast and crew return to the town of Aldbourne, where the story was filmed twenty odd years earlier. On hand are the late and great Jon Pertwee(in costume no less), U.N.I.T. lads Richard Franklin and John Levene and the man who portrayed the Brigadier--Nicholas Courtney. From behind the scenes there's director Christopher Barry who contributes some very interesting facts about the technical(and natural) difficulties that came with shooting this story on location. It's great to see the cast members saunter through the village fielding questions from presenter Nicholas Briggs and bantering so humorously with each other--it's easy to tell that these folks loved working with each other and remain good friends. Comments from locals who lived in the village also add their memories and behind the scenes film of when the cast and crew originally invaded the small hamlet add to the marvelous afghan of nostalgia and good vibes that pervade this unique presentation. The only things missing are actual clips from the story and third Doctor companion Jo Grant(Katy Manning) but watching this immediately after watching "The Daemons" will take care of these omissions.This serves as a wonderful testament to the presence and charm of Jon Pertwee who died soon after filming was completed and just to see how unchanged and quaint the town remains makes it worth purchasing alone! If you were a fan of the Pertwee era of Doctor Who buy this without hesitation and get ready for a steady stream of nostalgia and coziness to wash over you like a warm summer rain. Enjoy!