• Sure, this movie has its fair share of saccharine moments and heavy dollops of schmaltz but it also works remarkably well as a tale of following one's dream and the sacrifices that litter the path towards achieving it. Neil Diamond is no Lawrence Olivier and it is a bit surreal to see his name billed above the late great actor but he's credible and he certainly doesn't embarrass himself. Olivier is the acting highlight here and imbues every scene he is in with passion and heartwrenching grace. There are several highly emotional moments to be found here in some well constructed and directed scenes designed to bring out the tears--and they do! Fans of Diamond's music will also find much to enjoy here as such schmaltz classics as "Love On The Rocks" and "Hello Again" compliment the drama remarkably well. Supporting actors Lucie Arnaz and Franklyn Ajaye are also game and put in solid performances. Also, if your looking for jazz look elsewhere as the only jazz reference is the name of a particular baby!! All in all this is old fashioned fun that should reward the viewer. Saccharine yes, but a movie that achieves its goal admirably.