Re: HTML Canvas 2D Context Extensions - for review


If we have the ability to apply bounds to objects in canvas (the hit
testing API extensions) I could live with what Ian has for
drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing with some tweeks. I mean it is
mostly the Same drawFocusRing divided into two separate APIs. One change
would be to remove the step of observing systems settings for focus ring
style of a custom focus ring. That makes no sense. If an author wants to
create a custom focus ring and not follow system conventions then why have
the step in a custom focus ring? We would be able to gleam the location of
the object from the bounds supplied by setElementPath(Element element) that
Frank was writing up.


From:	Steve Faulkner <>
Cc:	HTML Accessibility Task Force <>
Date:	12/14/2011 06:17 AM
Subject:	HTML Canvas 2D Context Extensions - for review

Hi all,

HTML Canvas 2D Context Extensions

"This specification extends and overrides the HTML Canvas 2D Context
specification [CANVAS-2D] with additional features for caret and
selection management, for setting the caret blink rate, for returning
the vertical offset of a text anchor point, and for drawing a focus
ring around the current path.

This document is a proposal that is being made available for public
review in order to solicit feedback, particularly from implementors,
with a goal of potential cross-browser implementation and
standardization. "

many thanks to Mike Smith for making this happen.

note: I am acting as editor until someone with the requisite knowledge
steps up.

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG | |
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Received on Sunday, 18 December 2011 17:41:33 UTC