Re: request agenda time to present X3D summary at HTML5 TPAC meeting

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Don Brutzman <> wrote:
> Shelley Powers wrote:
>> [...]
>> As some background on this, I found the report on this change [1],
>> which listed the X3D section as out of scope.
>> I didn't find a companion discussion regarding this decision at either
>> the HTML WG email list, or the WhatWG email list.
>> Not making a comment on this decision, or the TPAC X3D invitation,
>> just providing specifics.
>> Shelley
>> [1]
> Thank you Shelly. �We hope to gain a better understanding of how X3D can
> best support and and align with HTML5. �It is always good to discuss what
> is in and what is out of the HTML5 draft recommendation.
> Of interest is that Johannes now has some interesting demos that allow
> direct X3D integration within an HTML page, online at
> These are implemented in Javascript and WebGL, and so do not require a
> plugin. �So far testing is successful on Firefox and WebKit nightly builds.

I wish I could see the presentation at TPAC. I've been a big fan of 3D
on the web since VRML days[1]. Always sad that it never seemed to take
off, but happy to see this newer effort and built-in 3D browser
support. Covered your effort in one of my books [2], before built-in
support. I did mention in the book about X3D and being able to use it
in XHTML. Being able to use X3D in an HTML serialization, based on the
_precedent_ set by inclusion of SVG and MathML would be a very
interesting discussion item.

Hopefully someone from the HTML WG will provide a report back to the
HTML WG about the discussion. At a minimum, I believe it will be
covered via IRC.

> all the best, Don
> --


(Hey! The spirit of Geocities still lives!)


Received on Friday, 30 October 2009 17:40:39 UTC