HTML 4.01 Strict table attributes and downplayed errors

I considered implementing downplayed errors now that interest in HTML5  
is growing on the author side and a better proposal to replace the  
concept of downplayed errors has not emerged. Also, I considered  
migrating my own site to HTML5 (at least those articles that I update  
for other reasons), and I use the align attribute on table cells.

I was surprised to learn that only the abbr attribute was a downplayed  
error for td and th. I had expected all HTML 4.01 Strict attributes  
(except axis) that are not fully conforming per HTML5 to be downplayed.

Why aren't HTML 4.01 Strict attributes on table, td and th (except  
axis) downplayed?

Is there a pragmatic reason why align on td and th isn't fully  

Henri Sivonen

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2009 10:57:03 UTC