Re: SVG in text/html

On Mar 26, 2009, at 05:22, Jeff Schiller wrote:

> On 3/25/09, Sam Ruby <> wrote:
>> Lets take as a given that the browsers will behave interoperably at  
>> some
>> undefined point at the future.  The next question is one of social
>> engineering.  Unquoted attributes, missing trailing slashes in  
>> empty tags,
>> missing "talisman" namespace declarations are all examples of  
>> things that
>> affect the viability of copy/paste between HTML documents and XML  
>> documents.
> Yes, but of these, unquoted attributes are the hardest to manually
> correct (namespace talisman is usually one or two at the top of the
> document, search and replace "CIRCLE" with "circle").

It's not necessary to edit them manually when grabbing stuff from the  
Web into an existing SVG editor. There's a Web service that does it  
for you:

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 26 March 2009 09:22:04 UTC