from February 2008 by subject

**off list** Would the arai describedby property be a suitable replacement for or improvement on @longdesc?

<canvas> origin-clean flag

<table><select><td> parsing

[Reminder]: SMIL Timesheets 1.0 Last Call Transition Announcement

[suggestion] priority for loading elements

[WF2] HTMLFormElement.accept vs. function accept(){}

[whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?

acceptance: how

Access Control for Cross-site Requests WD Published

ACTION-44 - HTML Issue Tracking

Adoption agency in foster parented content

Adoption agency terminology

agenda: HTML WG weekly 14 Feb (Valentine's Day edition)

Ampersands in attribute values (was: Re: Validation error frequencies)

BOM (several messages about handling encodings in HTML)

Canvas gradients should not be optional

Canvas path transformations

cite element not for people's names?

Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary

Clarify what it means for the system identifier to be missing

Coalescing characters in Text nodes

Comments on "origin" (data: and image)

Comments on drag and drop

Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD

contradictory example of b

Design Principle "Priority of Constituencies", was: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?

Detailed review of 4.1. Browsing contexts and 4.3. Session history and navigation

Detailed review of 4.11. Client-side persistent storage

Doctype usage data


Draft W3C TAG Finding "Passwords in the Clear" available for review

Editorial issues on <ol reversed> (was: Re: several messages about <ol>, <ul>, <dl>, and related subjects)

Editorial: inline vs. text-level vs. phrasing (was: Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)

Emphasizing STRIKE

Forms TF Process

html validation error

HTML vs XHTML issue

HTML WG telecon today cancelled

IFRAME - @name should be allowed

Implicit sections (was: Re: several messages about <section>, <p>, <hr>, and related subjects)

Integrating aria into HTML 5 [was: Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary]

Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)

ISSUE-30 (longdesc): Should HTML 5 include a longdesc attribute for images [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-30 longdesc Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation...

ISSUE-31 (missing-alt): Should img without alt ever be conforming [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-32 (table-summary): Include a summary attribute for tables? [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-33 (ping-referer): spec requires non-compliant Referer header [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?

ISSUE-35 (aria-processing): Need to define processing requirements for aria states and properties when used in html [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-36 (client-side-storage-sql): Client side database storage SQL statement support [HTML 5 spec]

key/value-based storage comments

let's keep metadata profiles (head/@profile) in HTML for use in GRDDL etc.

longdesc Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation...

Marking Up Poetry

Marking Up Poetry (Was: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)

Meta charset syntax

meta refresh ( Pragma directives)

Parsing: <applet>, scoping element or not

Parsing: <style> and <script> in <table>

Permitted slash not defined in terms of void elements (part of my detailed review of the tokenization section)

ping attribute (ISSUE-1, ISSUE-2)

proposals into HTML5

Protocol for submitting reviews of HTML5 recommendation?

Re6: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")

Re[2+]: server's initiative


Request for PFWG WAI review of Omitting alt Attribute for Critical Content

Retention of @summary for Table Element

Review of 3.14.11. The canvas element

Review of the 3.16 section and the HTMLInputElement interface

server's initiative

several messages about <address> and related subjects

several messages about <event-source> and related subjects

several messages about <figure> and related subjects

several messages about <ol>, <ul>, <dl>, and related subjects

several messages about <section>, <p>, <hr>, and related subjects

several messages about content sniffing in HTML

several messages about handling encodings in HTML

several messages about radial gradients

several messages about serialising HTML and related subjects

several messages about Unicode details in HTML

SMIL Timesheets and CURIE review

Spaces in IRIs

Spaces in IRIs (was: Re: Validation error frequencies)

SQL subset definition ( 4.11. Client-side database storage )

Suggested research item: Java applet embedding patterns

Suggested wording improvements for <i> and <b> sections

table model: Width of colgroup defined by col elements

The canvas element (detailed review)

Trailing slash in doctype

Tree construction: Ambiguity in "process the token as if the insertion mode was ..."

Tree construction: In-body li/dd/dt element insertion

Type conversion in the Database API in 4.11

Unicode error handling (was several messages about handling encodings in HTML)

Unmatched quotes for attributes (was: Re: Spaces in IRIs)

Validation error frequencies

Validation error frequencies (target="_new")

Validation error frequencies in Alexa top 500 front pages

Visual-components support in HTML by default?

Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")

Would the arai describedby property be a suitable replacement for or improvement on @longdesc?

Last message date: Friday, 29 February 2008 23:56:32 UTC