Re: Sam Ruby appointed co-chair for HTML Working Group, effective January 5

Congratulations Sam! :-)


2008/12/15 Michael(tm) Smith <>

> This is an announcement to let everybody know that effective
> January 5, there will be a change in the leadership for the HTML
> Working Group. Sam Ruby has been appointed as a new co-chair by
> the W3C Director, Tim Berners-Lee, and will be joining Chris
> Wilson in that role next month; at that time, I'll be returning to
> my previous role as the W3C staff contact for the group.
> A little background about Sam: I'd guess that many of you already
> know a bit about Sam -- but you can find more details here:
> Some highlights about Sam that I think are particularly relevant
> to the group:
>  - he was an early adopter of HTML5 (take a look at the source
>    for his personal site:
>  - he's a member of the html5lib project:
> and developed the initial
>    port of html5lib to the Ruby programming language
>  - he was very closely involved with the specification for the
>    Atom syndication format (RFC 4287) from pretty much the very
>    earliest days of its (pre)development
>  - he is a Director and Vice President of the Apache Software
>    Foundation, and former chairman of the Apache Jakarta project,
>    and has made code contributions to a number of the Apache
>    Software Foundation's open-source software projects
> I'm very happy that we've been able to get Sam on in a leadership
> role with the group, and I'm looking forward to working closely
> with him and Chris both after he starts in that role on January 5.
> I'll hope you'll join me in extending a very warm welcome to him.
>  --Mike
> --
> Michael(tm) Smith

I�igo Medina Garc�a
Tu gu�a de turismo rural

Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2008 10:20:52 UTC