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Team Information
Approx. Total Winnings:
: 2019-07-07
Global Offensive: 2019-07-07

100PingGods is a Kazakhstani professional esports organization founded in 2019.


Player Roster[edit]


Former Squad
IDNameJoin DateLeave DateNew Team
Kazakhstan sorrow 
(Jandarbek Mamyrbek)
Jandarbek Mamyrbek
Join Date: 
2020-02-28 [3]
Leave Date: 
2021-08-19 [13]
ex-100PingGodsex-100PingGods ex-100PingGods
Kazakhstan w1nt3r
(Älihan Köpjanov)
Älihan Köpjanov
Join Date: 
2020-06-27 [6]
Leave Date: 
2021-08-19 [13]
ex-100PingGodsex-100PingGods ex-100PingGods
Kazakhstan smiley
(Alğat Abdulov)
Alğat Abdulov
Join Date: 
2020-06-27 [6]
Leave Date: 
2021-08-19 [13]
ex-100PingGodsex-100PingGods ex-100PingGods
Kazakhstan icem4N
(Aman Seitqaliev)
Aman Seitqaliev
Join Date: 
2020-08-10 [9]
Leave Date: 
2021-08-19 [13]
ex-100PingGodsex-100PingGods ex-100PingGods
Kazakhstan dukefissura
(Sūleimen Orazaly)
Sūleimen Orazaly
Join Date: 
2021-01-23 [12]
Leave Date: 
2021-08-19 [13]
ex-100PingGodsex-100PingGods ex-100PingGods
Russia Leo
(Albert Islamov)
Albert Islamov
Join Date: 
2020-07-27 [7]
Leave Date: 
2021-08-19 [13]
ex-100PingGodsex-100PingGods ex-100PingGods (Coach)
Former Players
IDNameJoin DateLeave DateNew Team
Kazakhstan dukefissura
(Sūleimen Orazaly)
Sūleimen Orazaly
Join Date: 
2019-07-07 [1]
Leave Date: 
2021-01-18 [11]
Trident ClanTrident Clan Trident Clan
Kazakhstan exebatya
(Yerdos Zhaksymbetov)
Yerdos Zhaksymbetov
Join Date: 
2019-07-07 [1]
Leave Date: 
2020-08-10 [8]
Kazakhstan enst0n
(Temırlan Raushanov)
Temırlan Raushanov
Join Date: 
2019-07-07 [1]
Leave Date: 
2020-06-27 [5]
Kazakhstan yoki
(Yerbol Altaiuly)
Yerbol Altaiuly
Join Date: 
2019-07-07 [1]
Leave Date: 
2020-06-27 [5]
ForceArena LvivForceArena Lviv ForceArena Lviv
Russia Flash_1
(Vladislav Bykov)
Vladislav Bykov
Join Date: 
2020-04-13 [4]
Leave Date: 
VP.ProdigyVP.Prodigy VP.Prodigy (Coach)
Kazakhstan Janewka
(Zhangir Uteshev)
Zhangir Uteshev
Join Date: 
2019-07-07 [1]
Leave Date: 
2020-02-26 [2]



ID Name Position Join Date
Kazakhstan Delight Maksim Saenko CEO 2019-07-07 [1]


Former Organization
ID Name Position Join Date Leave Date New Organization
Non-representing vboff Vladislav Brusenin Analyst 2020-11-26 [10] 2021-09-??





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 [Inside Source]
  2. 2.0 2.1 100PingGods (2020-02-26). "Сегодня мы прощаемся с игроком Janewka. Спасибо за проведенное время в нашей команде и удачи в дальнейшим." [Today we say goodbye to player Janewka. Thank you for your time in our team and good luck in the future.] (in Russia Russian).
  3. 3.0 3.1 100PingGods (2020-02-28). "Мы рады сообщить, что новым игроком нашей команды становится sorrow." [We are pleased to announce that sorrow is joining our team as a new player.] (in Russia Russian).
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Рады сообщить вам, что у Стопингодов пополнение в команде. Это друг, наставник, профессионал своего дела и очень хороший человек. Под бурные аплодисменты, встречаем: тренер нашего состава по CS:GO — Влад "Flash_1" Быков" [We are glad to inform you that 100PingGods has a new member. He is a friend, mentor, professional in his field and a very good person. To thunderous applause, we meet: the coach of our CS: GO roster - Vlad "Flash_1" Bykov] (in Russia Russian). 2020-04-13.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 [Inside Source]
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 w1nt3r (2020-06-27). "Думаю ни для кого не секрет что я сейчас играю с 100ПГ(и вприцнипе со 100 пингом), так как Овердрайв - всевидящий глаз." [I think it's not a secret for anyone that I am currently playing with 100PG (and in principle with 100 ping), since Overdrive is an all-seeing eye.] (in Russia Russian).
  7. 7.0 7.1 [Inside Source]
  8. 8.0 8.1 [Inside Source]
  9. 9.0 9.1 icem4N (2020-08-10). "Сегодня играю IEM New York 2020 CIS Open Qualifier #1 за команду 100PingGodsм w/ dukefissura smiley sorrow w1nt3r." [Today I play IEM New York 2020 CIS Open Qualifier # 1 for team 100PingGodsм w / dukefissura smiley sorrow w1nt3r.] (in Russia Russian).
  10. 10.0 10.1 [Inside Source]
  11. 11.0 11.1 100PingGods (2021-01-18). "Всем привет! Сегодня наш бессменный капитан Сулеймен «dukefissura» Оразалы переходит в ряды Trident Clan." [Hello everyone! Today our permanent captain Sūleimen "dukefissura" Orazaly joins the Trident Clan.] (in Russia Russian).
  12. 12.0 12.1 dukefissura (2021-01-23). "Всем привет." [Hello everyone.] (in Russia Russian).
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 w1nt3r (2021-08-19). "From today 100PG (w1nt3r, smiley, dukefissura, sorrow, icem4n) players are free agents".