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User talk:Krafko

From Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki

Čau, jestli chceš upravovat teamy apod., přidej si mě na Steamu a naučím tě to. Nemůžeš jen tak nějakého hráče rubnout k týmu a nic k tomu nedat.

Roster change edits and references[edit]

Hi, please keep to the standard formatting of references and include a bit in the team's timeline when there is a roster change [1]
Also adding the transfer to the transfer page and editing the player's page would be appreciated.
‑ razarzaLiquipedia Staff (talk) 20:03, 4 December 2017 (UTC)

Rejected 2k19PL edit[edit]

I rejected your edit for the various Polish players playing under the 2k19PL tag. I did so because none of the players have made a statement of intent that they intend to play under this mixteam on a long term basis. As such I Don't feel it constitutes a new permanent team for these players.


- Mnmzzz (talk) 01:49, 7 March 2019 (UTC)

Old Guys Club[edit]

I decided to reject and revert the Old Guys Club because we an inside source told me that they (subroza, and pl1) were not actually joining the team, instead they were just standing in while n0thing, sean, and clown were unavailable.

- Mnmzzz (talk) 20:11, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Bad News Bears=[edit]

Please look at this edit to see how to include references correctly on team pages. <>


- Mnmzzz (talk) 05:11, 14 April 2019 (UTC)

Infinite benched[edit]

Hey, Infinite was benched and placed inactive on the Chaos roster. He wasn't released. That needs to be on the transfer list as that is what happened.


- Jeebo (talk) 10:43, 11 January 2020 (EST)

Infinite benched[edit]

Oh yeah, that makes more sense. I didn't hear about that until they announced smooya was replacing him. They worded it like they had just benched him.

-- Jeebo (talk) 10:51, 11 January 2020 (EST)

FaZe - Bymas[edit]

Why would you reject the addition of Bymas to FaZe Clan? He is clearly playing currently with the team, and as informed by Milan "Striker" Švejda on HLTV he is a temporary stand-in for Olofmeister. Plus I put the reference (ref n° 34) directing to the news about Bymas in FaZe, so I see no reason for why Bymas shouldn't be in FaZe's page as a part of the team roster.

- Vacadura (talk) 14:47, 25 June 2020 (UTC)