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Using public areas of the Duke University Libraries for solicitation, exhibit tables and displays is not permitted.

Public areas of the Duke University Libraries are reserved for library-sponsored activities in order to:

  • maintain the library as an attractive and uncluttered environment
  • ensure unimpeded access to the building and its resources
  • increase the effectiveness of library-related exhibits and displays, which are intended to assist and inform those who use our resources

Public areas include:

  • book stacks
  • doors and doorways
  • hallways
  • public building entrances
  • lobbies
  • seminar rooms
  • stairwells
  • study rooms
  • windows
  • columns

To request exceptions to this policy, contact the Executive Group at   (919) 660-5800 .

Posting Notices in the Duke University Libraries

Posting of non-library notices (including posters, notes, announcements, flyers, advertisements, signs, handbills, cards, etc.) in the public areas of the library, with the exception of the designated bulletin boards, is prohibited. Public areas include study rooms, lobbies, seminar rooms, doors, elevators, hallways, windows, restrooms, stairwells, book stacks and the public building entrances. Notices posted in these areas will be removed.

The library provides designated bulletin boards for posting notices:

  • Across from the ePrint stations on the first floor of Perkins Library, near the Circulation Desk
  • On Lower Level 1 of Perkins Library, along the hallway connecting the central Perkins stairway and elevator with the Link 
  • On Lower Level 1 of Bostock Library, next to the Multimedia Project Studio
  • In the foyer as you enter Lilly Library 
  • In the basement of Lilly Library, close to Room 05
  • On the first floor of the Music Library, to the left of the entrance

Priority for space on the bulletin boards is given to the university community. Out-dated and duplicated notices will be removed.

This policy is intended to:

  • Maintain the library as an attractive and uncluttered environment
  • Increase the effectiveness of notices and signs posted by library staff, which are intended to assist and inform those who use our resources