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Vestimenta variorum temporum.
Infans multa vestimentorum hiemalium genera gerit: infulam (Anglice: headband), pileum, tunicam pelli contectam, palliolum, et sweater.
Vestis Alim Khan divitias, statum, imperium pronuntiat.
Arabi orantes vestem pileumque candidos usitate gerunt.

Vestimenta (-orum, npl) sunt proprietas plurimarum societatum humanarum, categoria quae multa materiei genera quae corpus contegant comprehendit. Primum vestimentorum propositum est corpus a caelo defendere: a frigore, calore, vento, pluvia, sole. Saepto inter cutem et circumiecta comparato, vestimenta salutem meliorem faciunt per actiones periculosas sicut perambulatio et coquendum?. Praeterea, vestimenta saeptum hygieinicum praebent, ut animalia, plantae, et aliae res venenosae a corpore arceantur et transmissio pathogenorum inhibeatur.

Vestimenta lavata saepe complanatoriis levigantur, ut plicis careant.

Vestimenta Romana

Vestimenta mulierum

Vestimenta virorum

Vestimenta hodierna

Nexus interni


  • Finnane, Antonia. 2008. Changing Clothes in China: Fashion, History, Nation. Novi Eboraci: Columbia University Press. ISBN 9780231143509. ISBN 9780231512732.
  • Forsberg, Krister, et S. Z. Mansdorf. 2007. Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing. Ed 5a. Hoboken Novae Caesareae: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470146811.
  • Gavin, Timothy P. 2003. Clothing and Thermoregulation During Exercise. Sports Medicine 33(13):941–947. Abstractum. doi:10.2165/00007256-200333130-00001. PMID 14606923.
  • Hollander, Anne L. 1993. Seeing Through Clothes. Berkleiae, Angelopoli, et Londinii: University of California Press. ISBN 520082311.
  • Montain, Scott J, Michael N Sawaka, Bruce S. Cadarett, Mark D. Quigley, et James M. McKay. 1994. Physiological tolerance to uncompensable heat stress: effects of exercise intensity, protective clothing, and climate. Journal of Applied Physiology 77(1):216–222. PDF. PMID 7961236.
  • Ross, Robert. 2008. Clothing, a Global History: or, The Imperialist's New Clothes. Cantabrigiae: Polity Press. ISBN 9780745631868. ISBN 9780745631875.
  • Tochihara, Yutaka, et Tadakatsu Ohnaka, eds. 2005. Environmental Ergonomics: The Ergonomics of Human Comfort, Health and Performance in the Thermal Environment. Vol. 3. Amstelodami et Bostoniae: Elsevier. ISBN 0080444660
  • Yarborough, Portia, et Cherilyn N. Nelson, eds. 2005. Performance of Protective Clothing: Global Needs and Emerging Markets. Vol. 8. West Conshohocken Pennsylvaniae: ASTM International. ISBN 0803134886. ISSN 1040-3035.

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