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Leonardus Vincius genius et polymathes fuisse late habetur.
Wolfgangus Amadeus Mozart puer mirabilis et genius musicus late habetur.
Franciscus Galton Eques homines praeclaro ingenio praeditos investigavit.

Genius, vel pura Latinitate homo ingeniosus,[1] est homo qui praestans ingenium[2] intellegens, productivitatem creativam, universalitatem generum vel originalitatem monstrat, plerumque ad gradum cum novis progressibus in quoque scientiae dominio consociatum. Praeter autem multis rebus eruditos a rerum gestarum scriptoribus commemoratos, multi homines ingeniosi magnas res gestas solum in uno gnavitatis genere fecerunt.[3]

Exactá genii definitione scientificá carente,[4] num notioni ipsi sit significatio vera diu multumque disputatur, quamquam psychologi definitionem appropinquant quae creativitatem resque gestas egregias exprimit. Genius cum aptitudine? plerumque consociatur, sed multi auctores (exempli gratia, Caesar Lombroso et Arthurus Schopenhauer) haec vocabula certá ratione distinguunt.

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  1. D. P. Simpson, Cassell's Latin Dictionary, ed. 5a (Novi Eboraci: Wiley Publishing, 1968), 718. Etiam "homo praeclaro ingenio (praeditus) or simply ingenium" (ibidem).
  2. Shaw, Tamsin (2014). "Wonder Boys?". The New York Review of Books 61 (15) .
  3. Cox, Catherine M. (1926). The Early Mental Traits of 300 Geniuses. Genetic Studies of Genius Volume 2. Stanford Californiae: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-0010-9 .
  4. Robinson, Andrew. Can We Define Genius?. . Psychology Today (Sussex Publishers, LLC) .


  • Bloom, Harold. 2002. Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds. Warner Books. ISBN 0-446-52717-3.
  • Burks, Barbara S., Dortha W. Jensen, et Lewis M. Terman. 1930. The Promise of Youth: Follow-up Studies of a Thousand Gifted Children. Genetic Studies of Genius, 3. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
  • Cox, Catherine M. 1926. The Early Mental Traits of 300 Geniuses. Genetic Studies of Genius, 2. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-0010-9. LCCN 25008797. OCLC 248811346.
  • Ellenberg, Jordan. 2014. "The Wrong Way to Treat Child Geniuses," Wall Street Journal, 30 Maii 2014.
  • Eysenck, Hans J.. 1995. Genius: The Natural History of Creativity. Problems in the Behavioural Sciences, 12. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-5-2148508-1, ISBN 0521480140,ISBN 0521485088.
  • Eysenck, Hans J.. 1998. Intelligence: A New Look. Novi Brunsvici Novae Caesareae: Transaction Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7658-0707-6.
  • Feldman, David. 1984. "A Follow-up of Subjects Scoring above 180 IQ in Terman's Genetic Studies of Genius." Exceptional Children 50 (6): 518–23. doi:10.1177/001440298405000604.
  • Feldman, David Henry. 2009. "Genius." In Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent, ed. 2a, ed. Barbara Kerr. Thousand Oaks Californiae: SAGE. ISBN 978-141294971-2.
  • Galenson, David. 2005. Old Masters and Young Geniuses: The Two Life Cycles of Artistic Creativity. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-12109-5.
  • Galton, Francis. 1869. Hereditary Genius. Londinii: MacMillan.
  • Gleick, James. 2011. Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman. Open Road Media. ISBN 9781453210437 (e-book).
  • Howe, Michael J. A. 1999. Genius Explained. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-052100849-5.
  • Jensen, Arthur R. 1998. The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Human Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence. Westport Connecticutae: Praeger. ISBN 978-0-275-96103-9. ISSN 1063-2158.
  • Kaufman, Alan S. 2009. IQ Testing 101. Novi Eboraci: Springer Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8261-0629-2.
  • Leslie, Mitchell. 2000. "The Vexing Legacy of Lewis Terman." Stanford Magazine, Iulius-Augustus 2000.
  • McMahon, Darrin M. 2013. Divine Fury: A History of Genius. Novi Eboraci: Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-465-00325-9.
  • Park, Gregory, David Lubinski, et Camilla P. Benbow. 2010. "Recognizing Spatial Intelligence." Scientific American, 2 Novembris 2010.
  • Pickover, Clifford A. 1998. Strange Brains and Genius: The Secret Lives of Eccentric Scientists and Madmen. Plenum Publishing Corporation. ISBN 978-0688168940.
  • Pintner, Rudolph. 1931. Intelligence Testing: Methods and Results. Novi Eboraci: Henry Holt.
  • Robinson, Andrew. 2010. Sudden Genius?: The Gradual Path to Creative Breakthroughs. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-956995-3.
  • Robinson, Andrew. 2011. Genius: A Very Short Introduction. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-959440-5, ISBN 0199594406.
  • Shurkin, Joel. 1992. Terman's Kids: The Groundbreaking Study of How the Gifted Grow Up. Bostoniae: Little, Brown. ISBN 978-0316788908.
  • Shurkin, Joel. 2006. Broken Genius: The Rise and Fall of William Shockley, Creator of the Electronic Age. Londinii: Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-8815-7.
  • Simonton, Dean Keith. 1999. Origins of genius: Darwinian perspectives on creativity. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-512879-6.
  • Simonton, Dean Keith. 2004. Creativity in Science: Chance, Logic, Genius, and Zeitgeist. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-54369-X.
  • Simonton, Dean Keith. 2009. Genius 101. Novi Eboraci: Springer. ISBN 978-0-8261-0627-8.
  • Terman, Lewis M. 1916. The Measurement of Intelligence: An Explanation of and a Complete Guide to the Use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale. Riverside Textbooks in Education. Ellwood P. Cubberley, editor's introduction. Bostoniae: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Terman, Lewis Masison, et Maude A. Merrill. 1937. Measuring Intelligence: A Guide to the Administration of the New Revised Stanford-Binet Tests of Intelligence. Bostoniae: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Terman, Lewis Madison, at Maude A. Merrill. 1960. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Manual for the Third Revision Form L-M with Revised IQ Tables by Samuel R. Pinneau. Bostoniae: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Terman, Lewis M., et Melita Oden. 1959. The Gifted Group at Mid-Life: Thirty-Five Years' Follow-Up of the Superior Child. Genetic Studies of Genius, 5. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
  • Thys, Erik. 2014. "Creativity and Psychopathology: A Systematic Review." Psychopathology 47 (3): 141–47. doi:10.1159/000357822. PMID 24480798.
  • Wechsler, David. 1939. The Measurement of Adult Intelligence. Baltimorae: Williams & Witkins. ISBN 978-1-59147-606-1.
  • Weiner, Eric. 2016. The Geography of Genius: Lessons from the World's Most Creative Places. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-1451691672.

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