"all about shoes"

Here, we explores fashion as art and celebrates the interconnected roles of visionary footwear designers as artists
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Shoes | Salvatore Ferragamo | 1973.282.6 | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Search The Collection - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Collection | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bernhard Gronberg red and gold Russian style shoes
The Oklahoman: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, News, Politics and Sports
NYPL Digital Collections
Habit of the Turkish lady of the grand seigniors seraglio, in 1568. Dame de condition Turque, dans le serail. (1568) Originally published in 1568 in Voyages and travels of N. de Nicholay Dauphinoys, seigneur D'Arfeville, valet de chambre and geographer to the king of France. (Photo credit: NYPL Digital Gallery)