
350 Pins
Chef James Martin Recipes | Lemon Bliss Tart 🍋🍫✨ | Facebook
Chef James Martin Recipes | Lemon Bliss Tart 🍋🍫✨ | Facebook
131K views · 813 reactions | The Kinder dessert everyone is talking about! No baking or gelatin! Ingredients Kinder Pingui : 16 pc vanilla biscuits: 300 g (11 oz) melted butter: 150 g (5.3 oz) mascarpone: 400 g (14 oz) powdered sugar: 100 g (3.5 oz) vanilla essence: 5 ml (0.2 fl oz) whipping cream: 600 ml (20 fl oz) Nutella: 100 g (3.5 oz) condensed milk: 100 g (3.5 oz) melted white chocolate: 200 g (7.1 oz) melted dark chocolate: 100 g (3.5 oz) The drink milk: 300 ml (10 fl oz) vanilla sugar: 5 g (0.2 oz) dark chocolate: 100 g (3.5 oz) OVER MEDIUM FIRE: 5 MIN cinnamon: 3 g (0.1 oz) | Cookrate
131K views · 813 reactions | The Kinder dessert everyone is talking about! No baking or gelatin! Ingredients Kinder Pingui : 16 pc vanilla biscuits: 300 g (11 oz) melted butter: 150 g (5.3 oz) mascarpone: 400 g (14 oz) powdered sugar: 100 g (3.5 oz) vanilla essence: 5 ml (0.2 fl oz) whipping cream: 600 ml (20 fl oz) Nutella: 100 g (3.5 oz) condensed milk: 100 g (3.5 oz) melted white chocolate: 200 g (7.1 oz) melted dark chocolate: 100 g (3.5 oz) The drink milk: 300 ml (10 fl oz) vanilla sugar: 5 g (0.2 oz) dark chocolate: 100 g (3.5 oz) OVER MEDIUM FIRE: 5 MIN cinnamon: 3 g (0.1 oz) | Cookrate
CrazyforCrust - Cheesecake is good but CREAMSICLE CHEESECAKE is incredible! | Facebook
CrazyforCrust - Cheesecake is good but CREAMSICLE CHEESECAKE is incredible! | Facebook
127K views · 971 reactions | Bakers do this in secret!😱 | Cirqnamics
127K views · 971 reactions | Bakers do this in secret!😱 | Cirqnamics
668K views · 1.6K comments | The perfect dessert for your family | dessert | The perfect dessert for your family | By Kiera & Ryan & Danny & Justine | Alright, so that was just my orange jello powder and one cup of hot water. That's right. I said hot water, okay? And now we're going to mix, stir really well to combine. Make sure you get the sides. I'm making something super easy and delicious. Such a crowdfusion, you guys. You are not going to want to miss this. Okay, let's just make sure that is really good. Okay? Okay, that's perfect. Now, I have half a cup of cold water. Pour that in. Mix it up. Sir while it combined yet again. Make sure you get those sides. You know you guys you can just have this for any family gathering. It's going to be perfect. It's the perfect side dish for any occasion. Super refreshing and citrusy. Mm. I already smell that. Oh it smells good. You smell that. Okay you guys. That looks great. Reminds me of orange soda. Alright. Now we're going to go ahead and put this in the fridge to chill for about 15 to 20 minutes. Okay now that that's chilled. We're going to add in our vanilla instant pudding jello mix. Going to use the whole thing. Just get all that in there you guys. Perfect. And now you guessed it. We're going to whisk again. Whisk away everybody. Whisk away. Make sure that's really nicely combined. Oh my gosh you guys. I know I say this a lot but it smells really good like I cannot lie right now. This is going to be such an easy light and fluffy orange pudding you know jello dessert just like the one grandma used to make. You can whip this up for your kids. They are going to love this jello salad. Make sure you get the sides. We don't want we don't want any of that residue on the sides you guys. Alright. And when we're done whisking this, we are going to chill it again for about another 15 to 20 minutes and that's very important, okay? Flavors need to settle. Alright. That is looking great. Okay. Okay perfect now let's put this in the fridge again and we'll be right back alright now that this is all Netflix and chilled see what I did there guys now you're going to go ahead and add some Cool Whip original let's go ahead and get that top off oh got a little dirty that's alright let's go ahead and put the whole thing in there oh We want all of it. This whole eight-ounce tub is going in there. Perfect. Okay. Now, what you're going to do is gently fold it in. Fold it in gently like a lawn chair, okay? We're going to fold this. Make sure, oh, look at that. Don't like mix it too fast because then it's going to get the wrong consistency. So, just keep folding that like so. This might take you a little while but it's going to be worth it, okay? We want it to be like nice and creamy orange color. Oh, I'm so excited for this. This is going to be so good, you guys. Sorry if I'm a little loud but you know, the folks that are hard of hearing. They're going to be thanking me, okay? I'm a little loud sometimes guys. Aren't we all, right? I think we all are a little loud sometimes. Ends. Alright. This is taking kind of long but we're going to power through it. You know, I'm starting to feel my my carpal tunnel kicking in but that's fine. This is worth it. Okay, that is looking really nice, really creamy and I think it's a time to go ahead and add in the rest of our ingredients. Okay, you want to know we're going to add next? You want to know? I'll show you. Just wait one second. Okay. Perfect. Mmm. We're going to go ahead and add in two cans of mandarin oranges drained. Make sure you drain them. Alright, we got it for that. Next, a can of crushed pineapple. Drained as well. You know, best as I could. I drained that. Maraschino cherries. This is optional. You don't have to add this but I love maraschino cherries. So, I'm just going to go ahead and spoon some in. Make sure you don't get a lot of liquid in your spoon. Let's just oop little messy. Let's just go like that. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry you guys. I'm getting liquid in there but I don't have the patience to just not get a little liquid there. Just add in like just eyeball it. Just add how many ever you think is good. Everyone has their preferences, okay? I'm not forcing you to add these maraschino cherries and I'm not forcing you to watch this video either but you going to watch it and you're going to finish it til the end because I know your grandma used to make something like this, okay? Wow. I added almost that whole can. Alright, you know, glass jar, whatever you want to call it and we got marshmallows, you guys. Oh, I love marshmallows. Wow. Good thing I picked this size bowl, huh? Look at all that in there. Okay. Now, fold it gently. Oh my gosh. I need a bigger spatula, you guys. I'm going to have to stop by the Dollar Store and get a bigger spatula because this is just ridiculous. Ooh, I already taste that. That orange creamy flavor. Oh my goodness. The cherry and that pineapple and those mandarin oranges. Look at them getting lost in there. Mmm Gosh, this is taking so long but we're going for it. We're really going for. I'm I'm digging this whole spatula up in there because it's a tiny little spatula. Can somebody send me a spatula? I'll give you my PO box number. Desperately in need of a bigger spatula over here, okay? Make sure you fold it like this, okay? You don't want to mix it because then it's going to get really watery and you you're not going to like that okay you are not going to like that okay alright we're almost done here we're almost done sorry this is taking so long but like I said before my spatula is a little insignificant okay alright that looks really good I mean our fruits just kind of disappeared in there but we're going to let this chill in the fridge for about two hours at least, okay? It's very important so those flavors can just blend together beautifully and just settle. So, we'll see you back in about 2 hours. Okay, our orange creamsicle jello pudding is ready to eat. It's all chilled. I am so excited for this. Okay. The our little fruits are hiding at the bottom. Whoa. I'm a little messy but that's okay. I want some cherries. Mmm. We got the crushed pineapple, the mandarin oranges, the cherry, the cool whip, marshmallows, everything up in here. I don't need to blow on it because it's cold. Magnificent. Magnificent. Cuz I need to make this. Potlucks, family occasions, anything.
668K views · 1.6K comments | The perfect dessert for your family | dessert | The perfect dessert for your family | By Kiera & Ryan & Danny & Justine | Alright, so that was just my orange jello powder and one cup of hot water. That's right. I said hot water, okay? And now we're going to mix, stir really well to combine. Make sure you get the sides. I'm making something super easy and delicious. Such a crowdfusion, you guys. You are not going to want to miss this. Okay, let's just make sure that is really good. Okay? Okay, that's perfect. Now, I have half a cup of cold water. Pour that in. Mix it up. Sir while it combined yet again. Make sure you get those sides. You know you guys you can just have this for any family gathering. It's going to be perfect. It's the perfect side dish for any oc
419K views · 8.5K reactions | S’more’s cookie cups | patrickzeinali
419K views · 8.5K reactions | S’more’s cookie cups | patrickzeinali
182K views · 1.5K reactions | One of my favorites! Recipe in the comments | Al Dente Diva Food & Recipes
182K views · 1.5K reactions | One of my favorites! Recipe in the comments | Al Dente Diva Food & Recipes
2.3M views · 12K reactions | Easy pineapple cake. video by Thomas Riccardo | Easy pineapple cake | By Brain Food | Facebook
2.3M views · 12K reactions | Easy pineapple cake. video by Thomas Riccardo | Easy pineapple cake | By Brain Food | Facebook
130K views · 4.1K reactions | Brioche buns 🤤 | patrickzeinali | Facebook
124K views · 4K reactions | Brioche buns 🤤 | patrickzeinali | Facebook
1.6M views · 1K comments | Easy dessert recipes | Easy dessert recipes I share three of my favorite easy desserts. | By Rick's Friend Justine | Alright, lay down your caramel apple cookie dough and just flatten it also lightly in your greased 13 by nine pan. Now, if you can't find these caramel apple cookies, sugar cookie will work just as well but since these are seasonal, I wanted to take advantage of them when while I can. Okay, just really get a nice layer of cookie dough. I'm using two packages total of those caramel apple cookie doughs. Oh, it has a little chunks of caramel in it. These are going to be so good, you guys. Okay, that looks Perfect. Now, I'm coming in with my apple pie filling and we're going to go ahead and just get that right on top of our apples nice and good. Oh yeah, get all of those out. Mmm mmm mmm. Perfect. Okay. Now, I do have two cans. I feel like when you're making a thirteen by nine dish, you need two cans of pie filling. Oh, this is going to be delicious. This is so perfect for fall. So easy. Just get your, you know, premade cookie dough and your premade pie filling. Obviously, you always have the option to make homemade but I like things to be easy and I'm going to keep it that way. Smells delicious. Yeah. So, just spread out your apples nice and flat on top of those cookies. Oh my goodness. This is going to be so good. If you like apples, you're going to love this dessert. It is a winner. Okay. Perfect. Now, this next part is optional but I definitely recommend. I have some caramel bits right here, caramel bits and we're going to go ahead and just sprinkle them on top of our caramel or on top of our apples to make them caramel apples. Oh my goodness. Look how decadent that looks. And those are just melt right on top. Yep, perfect. Okay, I use less than half the bag of those. We're almost done here you guys. This is such an easy dessert. Now, I'm going to grab my classic yellow cake mix because this is going to be a dump cake and we're going to dump it right on top. Oh yeah. And you can use whatever cake mix you like. You can use vanilla. You can use white cake mix. You can use butter golden. You can even use like a muffin mix. Just cut it right on top. One whole box. Perfect. Apple crumble. Yeah. That would be really good. I did see apple crumble but it was gluten free so I opted out of it. Alright, I'm going to just go ahead and spread that from edge to edge. Make sure we get a nice flat layer that cake mix. It's okay if it kind of gets a little mixed in with the apples and the caramel. It's all going in this place anyways. Okay, beautiful. This is looking so good. Now, I am way too excited to try this. It's kind of like a pie in a thirteen by nine pan. We have the crust with the cookies. We have the pie filling, the apple pie filling, and then we have our crumble on top and we're just going to grab some butter to make this a true crumble. Oh yeah and we just cut our butter into thin slices so we can put it right on top of that cake mix just like so should need more than a stick and like a half a stick. That should be plenty for this dessert. I'm going to grab one more slice and just break it in half if I can so I can put it right there. Beautiful. Okay. Our caramel apple dessert is ready for the oven. My oven is set to 350 and this is going to cook for 45 to 50 minutes. Alright, so that was just my three-ounce package of instant chocolate pudding and my 14 ounces of chocolate milk. We are just combining those together in our thirteen by nine until well combined. You can use regular milk if that's what you preferred. You'll get a little less sugar that way but I just wanted this to be a chocolate dessert. Extra chocolate please. Okay, we gotta make sure that these get perfectly mixed together just like so. Once you feel like are well combined. We're just going to put our whisk to the side. We will be using it again and we are going to grab our favorite chocolate cake mix, Dolly Parton's favorite chocolate. I love the Dolly Parton cake mixes because they're a few ounces more than the standard cake mixes so you get more bang for your buck and also it taste amazing. Okay, now that we have that in there, we're going to mix it in with our pudding and our chocolate milk until we get kind of a thick batter in our 13 by nine. Alright, actually before I continue mixing, I am going to bring in my smokers caramel and this will help with our consistency and we are going to add our caramel right into our cake batter. Okay, we are going to use three fourths of our jar of caramel and now, we will get the consistency that we want with this cake. Alright, so once our butter kind of looks like a brownie batter, that's when you know it is mixed and ready for our next step. We are going to come in with some dark chocolate chips and we're going to sprinkle this right on top of our entire thirteen by nine. You can use as many or as little as you like. Perfect. I used about three fourths of the bag and then the last thing we're going to add is some pecan pieces. Oh my goodness. It's going to add the perfect little saltiness to our rich chocolate cake that we're making. It's going to be kind of almost like a molten cake but way easier to make and just as delicious. Oh my goodness. Doesn't that look incredible? I'm going to use this whole bag which is one cup. Alright you guys. This is ready for the oven. My oven is set to 350 and this only cooks for 35 minutes. Alright, so we are starting off with our lemon pie filling in our thirteen by nine pan. Go ahead and get our spatulas. We can get all of that delicious pie filling out. This is going to be a super easy and super delicious springtime dessert. So good. Let's spread our lemon pie filling from edge to edge. Just like so. It smells incredible already. This is so potent and so tart exactly what we want. Beautiful. Now going to come in with our cheesecake no bake. I have to tell you guys, this is my favorite combo. Lemon with cheesecake and we are just adding scoops of cheesecake right on top of that lemon pie filling. Oh, I am drooling already. This is going to be so good and it's so quick, so easy. You can just throw it in the oven right before your guest get here and they'll be so happy to try it. This is a great dessert for Easter day for Mother's Day. Whatever spring activities you guys have planned. This is a must try. Okay, let's add a few more extra scoops because we all know we love the cheesecake. Smells phenomenal. Right? Okay. Now, we're going to go ahead and just kind of marble that cheesecake right into our lemon pie filling right in our pan. Get it nice and coated in that delicious cheesecake yummy. Now, I'm coming in with my French vanilla cake mix. You guys could probably know what I'm making now. It is one of my favorite desserts and I am just doing a lemon twist on it because lemon is just so perfect for spring. You cannot tell me otherwise but you can use whatever cake mix you like. Now, I'm going to take my clean hands and we're just going to go ahead and spread that cake mix from edge to edge. Make sure it's nice and flat on our pie filling and cheesecake and I know some of you guys have asked me before but yes, you can bake the no-baked cheesecake. It doesn't mess with the texture or anything like that. If anything, it just makes it nice and warm and gooey and delicious with that pie filling. Okay, that looks just about right. Now, you guys know what's next and that is our butter. Alright, I cut my butter into thin slices just like so and we're placing that right on top of the cake. Make sure you guys know what to do and we're going to go back in with probably a half a stick more of our salted butter. So, it's going to be like three fourths a cup of butter which I think isn't too bad especially since you're only going to probably eat one square a person. Okay. Finish this off just like so and this baby is ready for the oven. Okay, my oven is set to 350 and it's going to cook for 50 minutes. Okay, our dessert is almost ready. So, I'm going to go ahead and go to my freezer where I put my bowl and my whisks in there and I have my hand mixer here. So, we're going to put our little frozen whisks on there just like so and we are going to add our heavy whipping cream to our cold bowl We're going to add about two cups of heavy whipping cream right in there. I have some imitation vanilla. I usually like to use the real stuff but this is all I had on hand. Add that to our whipping cream. And then of course just a pinch of powdered sugar because we are making a quick whipped cream to top our lemon cheesecake dessert with oh this is just going to take it to the next level. Alright we're going to turn this on and start whipping you. Alright, you guys. That looks absolutely beautiful and this is ready for our lemon desserts. Whoo. That looks so good. Oh, I can smell it. Smells like apple pie. Oh, I see the little caramel pieces. Alright. Now, before we dig into this, I am going to grab my Veriah's ice cream vanilla 'cuz that's what goes best with apple pie. Oh my, okay. We want a nice big scoop. Oh, perfect. How'd you get that ice cream out so easy? Ooh, it's a secret on tell. I think you've said it before. Okay. Now, it's time to cut into our apple dessert. Get all the way through to that cookie. It's perfectly cooked. Oh, yeah. Crispy top. In the center. Doesn't need to come out perfect, okay? Oh. But it did. Watch. Oh my goodness. Under there. It looks so good. Looks good. Okay. Little ice cream with that. Perfect bite. Is it good? Mm. That is so good, you guys. Oh This literally smells like a heaven in a cake. It smells so delicious. I am so ready. I let it chill for about five minutes but I can't wait any longer. I'm going to go for this corner piece. I'm honestly like so surprised at how this came out with no eggs or oil. That pudding mix really put in the work. I think it was the chocolate melt that really did it for me. Okay, let's see if we can get the perfect slice out. Friend my best you guys. The first slice is like the first pancake. You always throw it out. My goodness. Look how decadent that is and of course with all of that chocolate, you gotta do some ready whip. Dogs are going to go crazy. My goodness. It looks so rich. This is way too good you guys. My. This smells so decadent you guys. I cannot wait to try it. Let's go ahead. I have a bowl here because that lemon pie filling isn't very solid but let's go ahead and grab a scoop. The cheesecake. The lemon. Ooh. Right in there you guys. Ooh. Need to go for two scoops. And then of course we cannot forget our homemade whipped cream. Nice and fluffy. Right on top. Talk about delicious. It's hot but it that is the best thing I've ever eaten.
1.6M views · 1K comments | Easy dessert recipes | Easy dessert recipes I share three of my favorite easy desserts. | By Rick's Friend Justine | Alright, lay down your caramel apple cookie dough and just flatten it also lightly in your greased 13 by nine pan. Now, if you can't find these caramel apple cookies, sugar cookie will work just as well but since these are seasonal, I wanted to take advantage of them when while I can. Okay, just really get a nice layer of cookie dough. I'm using two packages total of those caramel apple cookie doughs. Oh, it has a little chunks of caramel in it. These are going to be so good, you guys. Okay, that looks Perfect. Now, I'm coming in with my apple pie filling and we're going to go ahead and just get that right on top of our apples nice and good. Oh ye
Peanut Butter Cup Pie
Giant Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Pie 🥧🍫🥜 Dive into this decadent Giant Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Pie, where rich chocolate ganache meets a chunky peanut butter filling. A perfect dessert for peanut butter lovers and chocolate aficionados alike! Ingredients: Chocolate Ganache: 2½ cups milk chocolate chips 1½ tablespoons vegetable oil Chunky Peanut Butter Filling: 1⅓ cups powdered sugar 1 cup graham cracker crumbs 1¼ cups crunchy peanut butter ½ cup salted sweet cream butter, softene...