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Completely destroyed after a 3-0 victory in soccer and then going to the gym and killin it
Books Archives | Sugar and Soul
"Reading forces you to be quiet in a world that no longer makes place for that." - John Green
Hp Lyrikz - Inspiring Quotes
Won't apologize when i have done nothing wrong...still trying to let go of those who are unworthy
Snob Fashion Blog
trust your first instincts and do not acquiesse to what you know you do not want in your heart.
Communication - LifeHack
Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
Good Vibes here (The Good Vibe)
Be opened minded and get good vibes from people who are opened minded too just like you
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Every Day May Not Be Good But There is Something Good in Every Day. #beinspired
7 Tiny Habits That Can Steal Your Happiness
7 Tiny Habits That Can Steal Your Happiness - Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude
The less u respond to negative people, the more peaceful ur life will become. Positive thinking! #quotes
12 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate
Eliminating negativity helps usher in a more positive lifestyle. Don’t tolerate these toxic people or habits into your life so that you can continue to...
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Half the people I know don't do this, slowly but surely fading people out of my life.. When they need you, you are there for them in a heartbeat. When it's the opposite they are no where to be heard of! DONE!
13 Early Warning Signs that a Person will not be a True Friend
People want to help you not hurt you. Need to stop being so angry with everybody and remember that people ultimately do care even if they don't understand
One Republic - Apologize with Lyrics [HD]
As you move forward....you will compare everyone to him. No one will ever measure up. And he compares no one to you. You are just forgotten.