
53 Pins
Halloween storytime at the library this year, rocking the Book Fairy costume! Used the directions at (doubled the "belt" fabric width and folded over for a finished belt look), added a book-themed t-shirt, glasses, jeggings and cute flats to take it up a notch :)
DIY Cardboard Costumes | Zygote Brown Designs
Downloadable DIY templates to make costumes out of cardboard
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at
How to Make a Cowardly Lion Costume for Kids |
You don't need a lot of courage (or sewing skills) to make your own cowardly lion costume from The Wizard of Oz. Simply use a basic sweatsuit as the base and add key details with a custom-fit lion's mane and tail to complete the look. Get the directions here:
Cowardly Lion Costume made for Bert Lahr in "The Wizard of Oz". (Lahr's son is shown modeling the costume).