
-.:so now you’ve done a little wrong and you swear you didn’t do it but volition left you burdened with a curse:. -.:you get everything you want. and money always talks to the idiot savants:. -.:but singing here for you gives me a purpose:. -.:different defections, cut the line. leagues of social climbers all about:. -.:but i’ll get you, yeah. i’ve got to make you mine. just know i’m not the sinister type:. -.:parade through the ballrooms, decay in your costumes and dance:. -.:if i’m out of line, just show me the door:. -.:thrift store shopping, underground music. light socket hair, out on a trip:. -.:we’re so young, but we’re probably gonna die:. -.:you’ll never know a single thing about me until it’s far too late:. {modern day cain-idkhbtfm} {choke-idkhbtfm} {nobody likes the opening band-idkhbtfm} {social climb-idkhbtfm} {mr. sinister-idkhbtfm} {lights go down-idkhbtfm} {door-idkhbtfm} {iggy pop-the hot iqs} {do it all the time-idkhbtfm} {bleed magic-idkhbtfm} {an aesthetic board of some sort for this band; made up of bassist and singer dallon weekes, and drummer ryan seaman}
254 Pins
Yeah fuck you thoughts, At 3am I don't give a shit about that embarrassing thing I did in year8
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