Teaching Data Science to
I developed a new course to teach data science to
non-programmers. The course is taught as DSCI
549 as
part of the USC
Data Science program. The course is attended by graduate students
with majors in geography, political science, communications, journalism,
business, and education.
The publications and materials below give an overview of how
the course was designed and structured.
Wood figurine of a computer operator. Yoruba people,
Nigeria. Carved from the long brown and white thorns of the trunk of a silk
cotton tree. Fitchburg Art Museum, 2017.
The course syllabus is available here.
Teaching Big Data Analytics Skills with Intelligent
Workflow Systems. Yolanda Gil. Proceedings of the Sixth
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), colocated with the National Conference of the Association
for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Phoenix, AZ, 2016.
Teaching Parallelism Without Programming: A Data Science
Curriculum for Non-CS Students. Yolanda Gil. Proceedings of the
Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing (EduHPC),
held in conjunction with the IEEE ACM International Conference on High
Performance Computing (SC), New Orleans, LA, 2014.
Course Goals
There is a huge demand in learning data science, as it has
emerged as a widely desirable skill in many areas. Although courses are now
available on a variety of aspects of data analytics and big data, they require
programming which many students lack. As a result, acquiring practical data
analytics skills is out of reach for many students and professionals,
particularly in the humanities and soft sciences, posing severe limitations to
our ability as a society to take advantage of our vast digital data resources.
Our goal is that students with no programming background
learn basic concepts of data science, so they can understand how to pursue
data-driven research projects in their area and be in a better position to
collaborate with computer scientists in such projects. Although it is always
beneficial to learn programming, not every student is inclined to invest the
time and effort to do so. And we believe that many students will get the
motivation to take a programming class after taking this course.
Our focus has been to design a curriculum that teaches
computing concepts above the level of particular programming
languages and implementations. In addition, we teach a broader set of data
science skills than other courses, including not only machine learning and
databases but also parallel and distributed computing, semantics and metadata,
and provenance. There is also more emphasis on end-to-end methods for data
analysis, which include data pre-processing, data post-processing, and
visualization. Students learn how to analyze different kinds of data, including
text, images, spatio-temporal data, and network data.
Learning these concepts must be supplemented with practice.
But how can students with no programming skills be able to see programs in
action? A major component of the course is the use of an intelligent workflow
system that enables students to practice complex data analysis concepts. We
capture common analytic methods as multi-step computational workflows that are
used by students for practice with real-world datasets within pre-defined
lesson units. The workflows include semantic constraints that the system uses
to assist the students to set up parameters correctly and to validate their
workflows. This enables students to learn in the context of real-world and
science-grade datasets and data analytics methods.
Course Materials
The following lecture materials are publicly available under a
Creative Commons CC-BY license:
Machine learning and data analytics
Parallel processing and distributed
Metadata, ontologies, and Semantic
Privacy and ethics in data science
Additional course materials (homeworks,
quizzes, and tests) are available upon request (email: gil@isi.edu).
We gratefully acknowledge support from the US National Science
Foundation (NSF) with award ACI-1355475.
Last updated: January 3, 2020