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Signatur: 98 A 6232   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
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Titelzusatz:Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian conceptions
Mitwirkende:Scott, James M. [Hrsg.]   i
 Scott, James M.   i
Verf.angabe:ed. by James M. Scott
Verlagsort:Leiden ; New York ; Köln
Umfang:384 S.
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Journal for the study of Judaism : Supplements ; 56
Fussnoten:Includes bibliographical references and index
Abstract:The exiles of Israel and Judah cast a long shadow over the biblical text and the whole subsequent history of Judaism. Scholars have long recognized the importance of the theme of exile for the Hebrew Bible. Indeed, critical study of the Old Testament has, at least since Wellhausen, been dominated by the Babylonian exile of Judah. In 586 BC, several factors, including the destruction of Jerusalem, the cessation of the sacrificial cult and of the monarchy, and the experience of the exile, began to cause a transformation of Israelite religion which supplied the contours of the larger Judaic framework within which the various forms of Judaism, including the early Christian movement, developed. Given the importance of the exile to the development of Judaism and Christianity even to the present day, this volume delves into the conceptions of exile which contributed to that development during the formative period. - The exiles of Israel and Judah cast a long shadow over the biblical text and the whole subsequent history of Judaism. Many scholars have recognized the importance of the theme of exile for the Hebrew Bible. Given the importance attached to the development of Judaism and Christianity, this volume seeks to delve into the conceptions of exile which contributed to that development during the formative period.
Schlagwörter:(s)Babylonisches Exil   i / (z)Geschichte   i
 (s)Babylonisches Exil   i / (s)Hellenistisch-jüdische Literatur   i
 (s)Babylonisches Exil   i / (s)Rabbinismus   i
 (t)Bibel / Neues Testament   i / (s)Babylonisches Exil   i
 (s)Babylonisches Exil   i / (z)Geschichte   i
 (s)Babylonisches Exil   i / (s)Hellenistisch-jüdische Literatur   i
 (s)Babylonisches Exil   i / (s)Rabbinismus   i
 (t)Bibel / Neues Testament   i / (s)Babylonisches Exil   i
 (s)Exil   i / (s)Christentum   i / (s)Judentum   i
 (s)Exil   i
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Rezensiert in: Clements, Ronald Ernest, 1929 - : Exile: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian Conceptions. Edited by James M. Scott. Pp. xi + 384. (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 56.) Leiden: Brill, 1997. ISBN 90 0 4 10676 6. Gld. 210/ 124
Altbestandsnotation:RegK: 942 cf
RVK-Notation:BC 7500   i
 BC 8740   i
 BC 7800   i
 BC 6865   i
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98 A 6232QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10474948
221.8 SCOTQR-CodeAusseruniversitaere Bibliotheken / Hochsch. f. Jüd. StudienHJS Medium in HfJS verfügbar?
Mediennummer: 45611315, Inventarnummer: 97/900
J 14 B 56QR-CodeFakultätsbibliothek TheologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 31038341, Inventarnummer: WT 1615/97

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