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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: im Erwerbungsvorgang (UB)
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Verfasst von:Müller, Veronika [VerfasserIn]   i
 Gries, Thomas [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Ideology and the microfoundations of conflict
Titelzusatz:from human needs to intergroup violence
Verf.angabe:Veronika Müller and Thomas Gries
Verlagsort:New York
Verlag:Oxford University Press
Umfang:vii, 524 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Psy012000 social
 Series in political psychology
Fussnoten:Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 443-516, Register
Ang. zum Inhalt:From individual psychological needs to social and political conflicts : the general framework
 Fundamental human needs, threats, and need deprivation
 Fundamental (psychological) human needs
 Relational needs and need deprivation
 Agency needs and need deprivation
 Ideologies and need reconciliation
 Belief systems and ideologies as psychological need reconciliation
 Right, left, and religious ideologies - their need-serving capacities and potential for conflicts
 Extremist organizations, ideologies, and real conflict
 Extremist organizations - their network and structure
 Extremist organizations - their recruitment and mobilization strategies
 Real-life cases and the link between needs, ideology and conflict
Abstract:This book combines theoretical and empirical research across various academic disciplines, including economics, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and political science, to describe why individuals adopt political ideologies and how this choice can potentially exacerbate conflict and violence. Ideology is particularly important to conflict. Data on intra- and international conflict shows that the number of ideologically driven conflicts has increased tremendously in recent decades. Although some researchers have started to investigate extensively the link between ideology and conflict, they struggle to find holistic explanations through which ideologies might shape conflict. This book addresses this effort by providing an interrelated multidisciplinary framework to explain the multidimensional functions of ideology. It illustrates that ideologies are not only capable of shaping conflictual behavior or mobilizing political actors, but also of addressing human needs, desires, and preferences. Hence, this book seeks to explain how individuals adopt ideologies that match their underlying needs and preferences; that ideologies have the capacity to reconcile deprived psychological human needs; and that radical groups and organizations use ideologies to recruit individuals and pursue their objectives. To understand these relationships better and to apply the theoretical background to real-world situations, we include real-life cases that describe how depriving individuals of resources that satisfy their underlying needs and preferences can lead them to adopt particular ideologies that are disseminated by radical groups or organizations. These radical groups or organizations then make decisions, which can potentially lead to conflict onset and continuous long-term struggles.
Schlagwörter:(s)Konflikt   i / (s)Sozialer Konflikt   i / (s)Verhalten   i / (s)Ursache   i / (s)Ideologie   i / (s)Psychologie   i / (s)Einflussgröße   i / (s)Politische Mobilisierung   i / (s)Radikalismus   i
Sach-SW:PHILOSOPHY / Political
 POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / General
 PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology
 Political ideologies
 Politische Ideologien
 Social & political philosophy
 Social, group or collective psychology
 Soziale und politische Philosophie

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