Status: Bibliographieeintrag
Standort: ---
| Online-Ressource |
Verfasst von: | Aprile, Elena [VerfasserIn]  |
| Lindner, Manfred [VerfasserIn]  |
| Marrodán Undagoitia, Teresa [VerfasserIn]  |
| Terliuk, Andrii [VerfasserIn]  |
Titel: | Low-energy calibration of XENON1T with an internal 37 Ar source |
Verf.angabe: | XENON Collaboration |
E-Jahr: | 2023 |
Jahr: | 27 June 2023 |
Umfang: | 15 S. |
Fussnoten: | Im Text ist "37" hochgestellt ; XENON Collaboration: E. Aprile, M. Lindner, T. Marrodán Undagoitia, A. Terliuk [und viele weitere] ; Gesehen am 05.02.2024 |
Titel Quelle: | Enthalten in: The European physical journal / C |
Ort Quelle: | Berlin : Springer, 1998 |
Jahr Quelle: | 2023 |
Band/Heft Quelle: | 83(2023), 6, Artikel-ID 542, Seite 1-15 |
ISSN Quelle: | 1434-6052 |
Abstract: | A low-energy electronic recoil calibration of XENON1T, a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, with an internal 37 Ar source was performed. This calibration source features a 35-day half-life and provides two monoenergetic lines at 2.82 keV and 0.27 keV. The photon yield and electron yield at 2.82 keV are measured to be (32.3 ± 0.3) photons/keV and (40.6 ± 0.5) electrons/keV, respectively, in agreement with other measurements and with NEST predictions. The electron yield at 0.27 keV is also measured and it is (68.0+6.3 −3.7 ) electrons/keV. The 37 Ar calibration confirms that the detector is well-understood in the energy region close to the detection threshold, with the 2.82 keV line reconstructed at (2.83 ± 0.02) keV, which further validates the model used to interpret the low-energy electronic recoil excess previously reported by XENON1T. The ability to efficiently remove argon with cryogenic distillation after the calibration proves that 37 Ar can be considered as a regular calibration source for multi-tonne xenon detectors. |
DOI: | doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11512-z |
URL: | Bitte beachten Sie: Dies ist ein Bibliographieeintrag. Ein Volltextzugriff für Mitglieder der Universität besteht hier nur, falls für die entsprechende Zeitschrift/den entsprechenden Sammelband ein Abonnement besteht oder es sich um einen OpenAccess-Titel handelt.
Volltext: |
| DOI: |
Datenträger: | Online-Ressource |
Sprache: | eng |
K10plus-PPN: | 1879950502 |
Verknüpfungen: | → Zeitschrift |
Low-energy calibration of XENON1T with an internal 37 Ar source / Aprile, Elena [VerfasserIn]; 27 June 2023 (Online-Ressource)