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Signatur: 251 his 2024/458   QR-Code
Standort: CATS / Abt. Südasien: Freihandb
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Verfasst von:Chak, Farhan Mujahid [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Nuclear flashpoint
Titelzusatz:the war over Kashmir
Verf.angabe:Farhan M. Chak
Verlagsort:London ; Las Vegas
Verlag:Pluto Press
Umfang:viii, 226 Seiten
Fussnoten:Literaturangaben, Register ; Zielgruppe: 5PGP, Bezug zum Islam und islamischen Gruppen
Ang. zum Inhalt:Who are the Kashmiris? : resisting post-colonial identity theft and false narratives
 The long life cycle of resistance
 Jammu genocide
 The myth of partition
 India, islamophobia, and the Hindutva playbook
 The 'final solution'@abrogation of articles 370 and 35a
 Nuclear flashpoint : Sino-Indian rivalry and Kashmir
Abstract:The territory of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the most politically contested and heavily militarised spaces on the planet. It has long been presented as an 'internal dispute', mainly by India, in attempts to sustain power through the project of settler colonialism. In this context, Kashmiri voices are rarely heard and so the conflict remains little understood, with a resolution nowhere in sight. In Nuclear Flashpoint, Farhan Chak reveals how the history, culture, identity and the will of the people of Kashmir has been deliberately obscured to suit ideological agendas. He explores six unique time frames in Kashmiri history - from ancient Kashmir, through the British Raj, to present day. Asking 'who is a Kashmiri?', Chak reviews major misconceptions and exposes how vested interests articulate and interpret them. Chak shines a light on the long cycle of revolt that continues in resistance movements today, and asks us to reconsider Kashmir's ongoing quest for independence.
Schlagwörter:(g)Kaschmir   i / (s)Kaschmirkonflikt   i / (z)Geschichte   i
 (s)Internationaler Konflikt   i / (s)Territorialer Anspruch   i / (s)Interessenkonflikt   i / (s)Territorium   i / (s)Teilung   i / (s)Kolonialismus   i / (s)Auswirkung   i / (s)Geschichte   i / (g)Kaschmir   i / (g)Pakistan   i / (g)Indien   i
Sach-SW:Colonialism & imperialism
 HISTORY / Asia / India & South Asia
 Kolonialismus und Imperialismus
 National liberation & independence, post-colonialism
 Nationale Befreiung und Unabhängigkeit, Postkolonialismus
 Religious intolerance, persecution & conflict
 Religiöse Intoleranz, Verfolgung und Konflikte
Geograph. SW:Britisches Empire
 Jammu und Kashmir

251 his 2024/458QR-CodeCATS / Abt. Südasien: Freihandbereichbestellbar
Mediennummer: 45318224, Inventarnummer: 2024/458

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