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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Präsenznutzung
Signatur: <OR> Ac 1704   QR-Code
Standort: Sem. Sprachen+Kulturen Vo / Assyriologie
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:The end of empires
Mitwirkende:Gehler, Michael [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Rollinger, Robert [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Strobl, Philipp [HerausgeberIn]   i
Institutionen:Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden [Verlag]   i
Verf.angabe:Michael Gehler, Robert Rollinger, Philipp Strobl (editors)
Verlagsort:Wiesbaden ; [Heidelberg]
Verlag:Springer VS
Umfang:xvi, 744 Seiten
Format:24 x 17 cm
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Universal- und kulturhistorische Studien
 Studies in universal and cultural history
Fussnoten:Interessenniveau: 06, Professional and scholarly: For an expert adult audience, including academic research. (06)
Schrift/Sprache:Beiträge überwiegend englisch, teilweise deutsch
Abstract:The articles of this comprehensive edited volume offer a multidisciplinary, global and comparative approach to the history of empires. They analyze their ends over a long spectrum of humankind's history, ranging from Ancient History through Modern Times. As the main guiding question, every author of this volume scrutinizes the reasons for the decline, the erosion, and the implosion of individual empires.All contributions locate and highlight different factors that triggered or at least supported the ending or the implosion of empires. This overall question makes all the contributions to this volume comparable and allows to detect similarities, differences as well as inconsistencies of historical processes
 IntroductionDecline, Collapse, Fall, or just Transformation: Diverging Ends of Empires through Time and SpaceAntiquityDer Zusammenbruch des mesopotamischen Staates von AkkadeThe Decline of the Ur III dynasty - The End of an Empire and its Afterlife in the Collective Memory of Mesopotamian SocietiesThe Collapse of the Hittitie KingdomThe End of New Kingdom EgyptThe End of the Neo-Assyrian EmpireThe "End" of the Achaemenid-Persian Empire: Caesura and Transformation in DialogueThe End of the Roman Empire: Civil Wars, the Imperial Monarchy, and the End of AntiquityThe End of the Parthian Arsacid EmpireThe End of the ransahar: The Decline of the Sasanian EmpireThe End of the Kushan EmpireIslam/Muslim WorldFrom Universalism to RegionalismThe Question of the Break-Up of the Abbasid Empire RevisitedThe End of the Mongol EmpireThe End of the Timurid EmpireAfrica, Asia, ChinaThe Decline and Collapse of the Kingdom of Aksum (6th-7th cent. AD): An Environmental Disaster or the End of a Political Process?What Role did Climate Change Play in the Decline of the Tang Dynasty?Thoughts about The Decentralization of the Mughal EmpireHow do Empires Fall? Two Case Studies from Pre-modern Southeast AsiaThe AmericasThe Decline and Fall of the Inca Empire The Downfall of Aztec Rule, 1519-21Middle Age and Modern HistoryThe Fall of the Napoleonic EmpireDas Ende des Spanischen KolonialreichesThe End of the Portuguese Colonial EmpireDas Ende des polnisch-litauischen Grossreichs als DiskussionsfrageThe End of World War IStructural Problems, Personal Failure or just Contingency? The End of the Russian EmpireThe End of the German Empire 1918?The End of the Habsburg MonarchyThe Long Lasting End of the Ottoman EmpireThe End of World War II and the Cold WarDas Ende des faschistischen ImperiumsThe Rise and Fall of Hitler's Empire (1933-1945)The End of the USSRA Never - Ending Empire? The Decline of the United KingdomAmerica's Decline on Display: The Presidential Transition
Schlagwörter:(s)Reich   i / (s)Untergang   i / (z)Weltgeschichte   i
 (s)Reich   i / (s)Zusammenbruch   i / (z)Geschichte   i
Sprache:eng ger
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe
Sach-SW:African history
 Afrikanische Geschichte
 Amerikanische Geschichte
 Asian history
 Asiatische Geschichte
 European history
 Europäische Geschichte
 General & world history
 Geschichte allgemein und Weltgeschichte
 HISTORY / Africa / General
 HISTORY / Asia / General
 HISTORY / Europe / General
 HISTORY / Latin America / General
 HISTORY / Middle East / General
 HISTORY / World
 History of the Americas
Geograph. SW:Naher und Mittlerer Osten

<OR> Ac 1704QR-CodeSem. Sprachen+Kulturen Vord. Orient / AssyriologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 61325661, Inventarnummer: 2023/25

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