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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: ausleihbar
Signatur: 2022 A 7761   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Powell, Nathaniel K. [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:France's wars in Chad
Titelzusatz:military intervention and decolonization in Africa
Verf.angabe:Nathaniel K. Powell, Lancaster University
Verlagsort:Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY
Verlag:Cambridge University Press
Jahr des Originals:2021
Umfang:xiv, 360 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:African studies ; 150
Fussnoten:Literaturverzeichnis und Index: Seite 344-360
Abstract:"The African Studies series, founded in 1968, is a prestigious series of monographs, general surveys, and textbooks on Africa covering history, political science, anthropology, economics, and ecological and environmental issues. The series seeks to publish work by senior scholars as well as the best new research"--
 "Experts in decolonization" -- Operation Limousin -- The Claustre Affair -- The empire strikes back : French intervention and return to war -- The return of Habré -- Nigeria enters the scene -- The decline and fall of the Central African Empire -- Libya invades -- Endgame -- Conclusions : the collapse of a neocolonial order.
 "Shortly before midnight on August 10 1960, the famous writer André Malraux stepped onto a balcony in front of a large crowd in Fort-Lamy, the capital of the French colony of Chad. As French Minister of Culture, he had come as President Charles de Gaulle's official representative to preside over the ceremonies marking the territory's independence. While Malraux invoked Chad's historical role as a launching pad for Free French Forces in the Second World War and the linked destiny of the two nations, the lights suddenly went out. A power shortage had plunged Fort-Lamy into darkness. Someone in Malraux's entourage scrambled to find a flashlight so he could finish the speech and so François Tombalbaye, Chad's leader, could read his. With this inauspicious beginning, independent Chad would soon embark on a tragic path leading to decades of violent conflict, foreign interventions, state collapse, and bloody dictatorship"--
Schlagwörter:(g)Frankreich   i / (g)Tschad   i / (s)Militärische Intervention   i / (s)Entkolonialisierung   i / (z)Geschichte 1960-1982   i
 (s)Entkolonialisierung   i / (s)Politischer Konflikt   i / (s)Innenpolitik   i / (s)Kolonie   i / (s)Krieg   i / (g)Tschad   i / (g)Frankreich   i
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

2022 A 7761QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10676167

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