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Verfasst von: | Cardoso, Rafael [VerfasserIn]  |
| Guo, Feng [VerfasserIn]  |
| Heisser, Thomas [VerfasserIn]  |
| Hackl, Monika [VerfasserIn]  |
| Ihle, Petra [VerfasserIn]  |
| De Schutter, Harlinde [VerfasserIn]  |
| Van Damme, Nancy [VerfasserIn]  |
| Valerianova, Zdravka [VerfasserIn]  |
| Atanasov, Trajan [VerfasserIn]  |
| Majek, Ondrej [VerfasserIn]  |
| Muzik, Jan [VerfasserIn]  |
| Nilbert, Mef Christina [VerfasserIn]  |
| Tybjerg, Anne Julie [VerfasserIn]  |
| Innos, Kaire [VerfasserIn]  |
| Magi, Margit [VerfasserIn]  |
| Malila, Nea [VerfasserIn]  |
| Bouvier, Anne-Marie [VerfasserIn]  |
| Bouvier, Veronique [VerfasserIn]  |
| Launoy, Guy [VerfasserIn]  |
| Woronoff, Anne-Sophie [VerfasserIn]  |
| Cariou, Melanie [VerfasserIn]  |
| Robaszkiewicz, Michel [VerfasserIn]  |
| Delafosse, Patricia [VerfasserIn]  |
| Poncet, Florence [VerfasserIn]  |
| Katalinic, Alexander [VerfasserIn]  |
| Walsh, Paul M. [VerfasserIn]  |
| Senore, Carlo [VerfasserIn]  |
| Rosso, Stefano [VerfasserIn]  |
| Vincerzevskiene, Ieva [VerfasserIn]  |
| Lemmens, Valery E. P. P. [VerfasserIn]  |
| Elferink, Marloes A. G. [VerfasserIn]  |
| Johannesen, Tom Borge [VerfasserIn]  |
| Korner, Hartwig [VerfasserIn]  |
| Pfeffer, Frank [VerfasserIn]  |
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| Rodrigues, Jessica [VerfasserIn]  |
| da Costa, Filipa Alves [VerfasserIn]  |
| Miranda, Ana [VerfasserIn]  |
| Zadnik, Vesna [VerfasserIn]  |
| Zagar, Tina [VerfasserIn]  |
| de Munain Marques, Arantza Lopez [VerfasserIn]  |
| Marcos-Gragera, Rafael [VerfasserIn]  |
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| Herrmann, Christian [VerfasserIn]  |
| Mousavi, Mohsen [VerfasserIn]  |
| Ryzhov, Anton [VerfasserIn]  |
| Hoffmeister, Michael [VerfasserIn]  |
| Brenner, Hermann [VerfasserIn]  |
Titel: | Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era |
Titelzusatz: | an international population-based study |
Verf.angabe: | Rafael Cardoso, Feng Guo, Thomas Heisser, Monika Hackl, Petra Ihle, Harlinde De Schutter, Nancy Van Damme, Zdravka Valerianova, Trajan Atanasov, Ondrej Majek, Jan Muzik, Mef Christina Nilbert, Anne Julie Tybjerg, Kaire Innos, Margit Magi, Nea Malila, Anne-Marie Bouvier, Veronique Bouvier, Guy Launoy, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Melanie Cariou, Michel Robaszkiewicz, Patricia Delafosse, Florence Poncet, Alexander Katalinic, Paul M. Walsh, Carlo Senore, Stefano Rosso, Ieva Vincerzevskiene, Valery E.P.P. Lemmens, Marloes A.G. Elferink, Tom Borge Johannesen, Hartwig Korner, Frank Pfeffer, Maria Jose Bento, Jessica Rodrigues, Filipa Alves da Costa, Ana Miranda, Vesna Zadnik, Tina Zagar, Arantza Lopez de Munain Marques, Rafael Marcos-Gragera, Montse Puigdemont, Jaume Galceran, Maria Carulla, Maria-Dolores Chirlaque, Monica Ballesta, Kristina Sundquist, Jan Sundquist, Marco Weber, Andrea Jordan, Christian Herrmann, Mohsen Mousavi, Anton Ryzhov, Michael Hoffmeister, Hermann Brenner |
E-Jahr: | 2021 |
Jahr: | May 25, 2021 |
Umfang: | 12 S. |
Fussnoten: | Gesehen am 22.09.2021 |
Titel Quelle: | Enthalten in: The lancet <London> / Oncology |
Ort Quelle: | London : The Lancet Publ. Group, 2000 |
Jahr Quelle: | 2021 |
Band/Heft Quelle: | 22(2021), 7, Seite 1002-1013 |
ISSN Quelle: | 1474-5488 |
Abstract: | Findings In countries with long-standing programmes of screening colonoscopy and faecal tests (ie, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Germany), colorectal cancer incidence decreased substantially over time, with AAPCs ranging from -2 center dot 5% (95% CI -2 center dot 8 to -2 center dot 2) to -1 center dot 6% (-2 center dot 0 to -1 center dot 2) in men and from -2 center dot 4% (-2 center dot 7 to -2 center dot 1) to -1 center dot 3% (-1 center dot 7 to -0 center dot 9) in women. In countries where screening programmes were implemented during the study period, age-standardised colorectal cancer incidence either remained stable or increased up to the year screening was implemented. AAPCs for these countries ranged from -0 center dot 2% (95% CI -1 center dot 4 to 1 center dot 0) to 1 center dot 5% (1 center dot 1 to 1 center dot 8) in men and from -0 center dot 5% (-1 center dot 7 to 0 center dot 6) to 1 center dot 2% (0 center dot 8 to 1 center dot 5) in women. Where high screening coverage and uptake were rapidly achieved (ie, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Slovenia), age-standardised incidence rates initially increased but then subsequently decreased. Conversely, colorectal cancer incidence increased in most countries where no large-scale screening programmes were available (eg, Bulgaria, Estonia, Norway, and Ukraine), with AAPCs ranging from 0 center dot 3% (95% CI 0 center dot 1 to 0 center dot 5) to 1 center dot 9% (1 center dot 2 to 2 center dot 6) in men and from 0 center dot 6% (0 center dot 4 to 0 center dot 8) to 1 center dot 1% (0 center dot 8 to 1 center dot 4) in women. The largest decreases in colorectal cancer mortality were seen in countries with long-standing screening programmes. Summary Background Colorectal cancer screening programmes and uptake vary substantially across Europe. We aimed to compare changes over time in colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in relation to colorectal cancer screening implementation in European countries. Methods Data from nearly 3 & middot;1 million patients with colorectal cancer diagnosed from 2000 onwards (up to 2016 for most countries) were obtained from 21 European countries, and were used to analyse changes over time in age-standardised colorectal cancer incidence and stage distribution. The WHO mortality database was used to analyse changes over time in age-standardised colorectal cancer mortality over the same period for the 16 countries with nationwide data. Incidence rates were calculated for all sites of the colon and rectum combined, as well as the subsites proximal colon, distal colon, and rectum. Average annual percentage changes (AAPCs) in incidence and mortality were estimated and relevant patterns were descriptively analysed. Findings In countries with long-standing programmes of screening colonoscopy and faecal tests (ie, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Germany), colorectal cancer incidence decreased substantially over time, with AAPCs ranging from -2 & middot;5% (95% CI -2 & middot;8 to -2 & middot;2) to -1 & middot;6% (-2 & middot;0 to -1 & middot;2) in men and from -2 & middot;4% (-2 & middot;7 to -2 & middot;1) to -1 & middot;3% (-1 & middot;7 to -0 & middot;9) in women. In countries where screening programmes were implemented during the study period, age-standardised colorectal cancer incidence either remained stable or increased up to the year screening was implemented. AAPCs for these countries ranged from -0 & middot;2% (95% CI -1 & middot;4 to 1 & middot;0) to 1 & middot;5% (1 & middot;1 to 1 & middot;8) in men and from -0 & middot;5% (-1 & middot;7 to 0 & middot;6) to 1 & middot;2% (0 & middot;8 to 1 & middot;5) in women. Where high screening coverage and uptake were rapidly achieved (ie, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Slovenia), age-standardised incidence rates initially increased but then subsequently decreased. Conversely, colorectal cancer incidence increased in most countries where no large-scale screening programmes were available (eg, Bulgaria, Estonia, Norway, and Ukraine), with AAPCs ranging from 0 & middot;3% (95% CI 0 & middot;1 to 0 & middot;5) to 1 & middot;9% (1 & middot;2 to 2 & middot;6) in men and from 0 & middot;6% (0 & middot;4 to 0 & middot;8) to 1 & middot;1% (0 & middot;8 to 1 & middot;4) in women. The largest decreases in colorectal cancer mortality were seen in countries with long-standing screening programmes. Interpretation We observed divergent trends in colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution across European countries, which appear to be largely explained by different levels of colorectal cancer screening implementation. Funding German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
DOI: | doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00199-6 |
URL: | Bitte beachten Sie: Dies ist ein Bibliographieeintrag. Ein Volltextzugriff für Mitglieder der Universität besteht hier nur, falls für die entsprechende Zeitschrift/den entsprechenden Sammelband ein Abonnement besteht oder es sich um einen OpenAccess-Titel handelt.
Volltext: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00199-6 |
| Volltext: https://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=DynamicDOIArticle&SrcApp=WOS&KeyAID=10.1016%2 ... |
| DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00199-6 |
Datenträger: | Online-Ressource |
Sprache: | eng |
Sach-SW: | follow-up |
| occult blood-test |
| performance |
| sigmoidoscopy |
K10plus-PPN: | 1771630868 |
Verknüpfungen: | → Zeitschrift |
Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era / Cardoso, Rafael [VerfasserIn]; May 25, 2021 (Online-Ressource)