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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: ausleihbar
Signatur: 2020 A 7750   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Heuser, Beatrice [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Brexit in history
Titelzusatz:sovereignty or a European Union?
Verf.angabe:Beatrice Heuser
Verlag:Hurst & Company
Umfang:xii, 301 Seiten
Fussnoten:Literaturangaben, Register
Ang. zum Inhalt:Introduction: the dialectic of empire, sovereignty, and co-operative syntheses
 Inter-'national' relations? Problems of terminology and basic assumptions
 Ideas inherited from antiquity
 The middle ages: the christian universe
 Early modern history: the break-down of the universal republic of christendom
 The quest for a peace system or a European Union, 1305-1796
 From great-power oligarchy to nationalist competition, 1813-1918
 Recreating a universal order I: the League of Nations
 Recreating a universal order II: the United Nations in the Cold War
 European integration: between confederation and federation
 From the renewed UN concert to the new cold war
Abstract:Are Europeans hard-wired for conflict? Given the enmities that wracked the Greek city-states, or the Valois, Bourbons and Habsburgs, it seems undeniable. The Holy Roman Empire promised peace, but collapsed before it could deliver it, while rival rulers counter-balanced its power by stressing their own sovereign independence. Yet, since Antiquity, there has also been a yearning for the rule of law, the Pax Romana. For seven centuries, Europe’s philosophers and diplomats have sought to build institutions of compromise between the unrestricted competition of nation-states and the universal monarchy of the old empires: a confederation whose representatives would meet to resolve differences. We have seen these ambitions at least partially realised in a progression of multilateral solutions: the Congress System, the League of Nations, the United Nations, and the European Union. But, with the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the EU, state sovereignty seems to be pushing back against two centuries of travel in the other direction. The Brexit result shows that distrust of a ‘greater Europe’ and fierce insistence on state sovereignty remain live issues in today’s politics. To explain recent events, Beatrice Heuser charts the history and culture underpinning this age-old tension between two systems of international affairs.
Schlagwörter:(g)Europa   i / (g)Großbritannien   i / (s)Europagedanke   i / (s)Europäische Integration   i / (s)Internationale Politik   i / (s)Souveränität   i / (s)Brexit   i
 (s)Internationales politisches System   i / (s)Politischer Wandel   i / (s)Institutionalisierung   i / (s)Internationale Politik   i / (s)IntegrationInternationale Politik   i / (s)Souveränität   i / (s)Hoheitsrecht   i / (s)Rechtsübertragung   i / (s)Geschichte   i / (g)Europa   i
RVK-Notation:NK 1600   i

2020 A 7750QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10618051

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