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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: ausleihbar
Signatur: 2021 A 437   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Häsänli, Cämil [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:The Sovietization of Azerbaijan
Titelzusatz:the South Caucasus in the triangle of Russia, Turkey, and Iran, 1920-1922
Verf.angabe:Jamil Hasanli
Verlagsort:Salt Lake City
Verlag:The University of Utah Press
Umfang:x, 470 Seiten
Format:27 cm
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Utah series in Middle East studies
Fussnoten:Includes bibliographical references and index
Ang. zum Inhalt:The political situation in Azerbaijan in the early twentieth century
 The domestic and international position of Azerbaijan after the Bolshevik occupation
 The eastern policy of Soviet Russia and Iran
 The sovietization of Armenia : Moscow's secret plans for Karabagh
 Collaboration after occupation : drawing South Caucasus borders after sovietization
 The Russian-Turkish conference in Moscow and Azerbaijan
 From Moscow to Kars
 The struggle for Baku oil and the formation of the Soviet Union
Abstract:"World War I and the fall of Tsarist Russia brought brief independence to Azerbaijan, but by 1920 the Bolshevik revolution pushed south with the twofold purpose of accessing the oil-rich fields near Baku on the Caspian Sea and spreading communism into the Caucasus. Azerbaijan, the richest and earliest significant source of oil in the world, was the first republic in the South Caucasus occupied by the Red Army, which then advanced into neighboring Armenia and Georgia. Pulling from confidential, newly accessed archives, Hasanli describes Soviet Russia's aggressive policy toward the three South Caucasian nations, which led to their absorption into the USSR by the end of 1922. The book highlights the Caucasian peoples' struggle to retain political independence against Soviet Russia and an international cast that included European powers wanting to retain petroleum concessions; Kemalist Turkey, which claimed special ties to the Turkic Azeris; and Iran, which controlled South Azerbaijan and was thus a possible route of expansion eastward for Bolshevik movement. The author also considers the impact on Azerbaijani-Armenian relations of the first two years of sovietization and explains how Azerbaijan provided space for Bolshevik experiments. Throughout his book, Hasanli illuminates the tragedy of the complex, confused period of sovietization of the South Caucasus"--Provided by publisher
Schlagwörter:(g)Sowjetunion   i / (g)Türkei   i / (g)Kaukasus   i / (g)Iran   i / (g)Kaukasus <Süd>   i / (g)Transkaukasien   i / (s)Erdölwirtschaft   i / (s)Internationale Politik   i / (s)Außenpolitik   i / (s)Diplomatische Beziehungen   i / (s)Diplomatie   i / (s)Sowjetisierung   i / (s)Oktoberrevolution   i / (z)Geschichte 1920-1922   i
 (s)Politisches System   i / (s)Geschichte   i / (s)Besetzung   i / (s)Annexion   i / (s)Politischer Prozess   i / (s)Regionalentwicklung   i / (s)Kollektive Sicherheit   i / (s)Außenpolitik   i / (g)Naher Osten   i / (g)Mittlerer Osten   i / (g)Nordafrika   i / (g)Sowjetunion   i
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: Hasanli, Jamil, author: Sovietization of Azerbaijan. - Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, [2017] |(DLC)2017035128
RVK-Notation:NQ 5067   i

2021 A 437QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10631759

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