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Signatur: UBN/WB 1036 G454   QR-Code
Standort: Zweigstelle Neuenheim / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:Clinical metabolomics
Titelzusatz:methods and protocols
Mitwirkende:Giera, Martin [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Eggers, Lars F. [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Schwudke, Dominik [HerausgeberIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Martin Giera
Verlagsort:New York, NY
Verlag:Humana Press
Umfang:xiv, 389 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Methods in molecular biology ; 1730
 Springer protocols
Ang. zum Inhalt:Metabolomics as a tool to understand pathophysiological processes / Julijana Ivanisevic and Aurelien Thomas
 Metabolomics in immunology research / Bart Everts
 LC-MS-based metabolomics of biofluids using all-ion fragmentation (AIF) acquisition / Romanas Chaleckis, Shama Naz, Isabel Meister, and Craig E. Wheelock
 Lipid mediator metabolomics via LC-MS/MS profiling and analysis / Jesmond Dalli, Romain A. Colas, Mary E. Walker, and Charles N. Serhan
 UHPSFC/ESI-MS analysis of lipids / Miroslav Lisa and Michal Holcapek
 LC-MS/MS analysis of lipid oxidation products in blood and tissue samples / Yiu Yiu Lee and Jetty Chung-Yung Lee
 Serum testosterone by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for routine clinical diagnostics / Lennart J. van Winden, Olaf van Tellingen, and Huub H. van Rossum
 LC-MS/MS analysis of bile acids / Sabrina Krautbauer and Gerhard Liebisch
 LC-MS/MS analysis of triglycerides in blood-derived samples / Madlen Reinicke, Susen Becker, and Uta Ceglarek
 LC-MS/MS analysis of the epoxides and diols derived from the endocannabinoid arachidonoyl ethanolamide / Amy A. Rand, Patrick O. Helmer, Bora Inceoglu, Bruce D. Hammock, and Christophe Morisseau
 Sphingolipid analysis in clinical research / Bo Burla, Sneha Muralidharan, Markus R. Wenk, and Federico Torta
 Shotgun lipidomics approach for clinical samples / Lars F. Eggers and Dominik Schwudke
 Establishing and performing targeted multi-residue analysis for lipid mediators and fatty acids in small clinical plasma samples / Theresa L. Pedersen and John W. Newman
 Chemical isotope labeling LC-MS for human blood metabolome analysis / Wei Han and Liang Li
 Direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry (DI-MS/MS) analysis of complex lipids in human plasma and serum using the lipidyzer platform / Baljit K. Ubhi
 Exploratory GC/MS-based metabolomics of body fluids / Carole Migne, Stephanie Durand, and Estelle Pujos-Guillot
 GC-MS analysis of short-chain fatty acids in feces, cecum content, and blood samples / Lisa R. Hoving, Marieke Heijink, Vanessa van Harmelen, Ko Willems van Dijk, and Martin Giera
 GC-MS analysis of medium- and long-chain fatty acids in blood samples / Lisa R. Hoving, Marieke Heijink, Vanessa van Harmelen, Ko Willems van Dijk, and Martin Giera
 Analysis of oxysterols / Fabien Riols and Justine Bertrand-Michel
 Analysis of metabolites from the tricarboxylic acid cycle for yeast and bacteria samples using gas chromatography mass spectrometry / Reza Maleki Seifar, Angela ten Pierick, and Patricia T.N. van Dam
 GC-MS analysis of lipid oxidation products in blood, urine, and tissue samples / Anne Barden and Trevor A. Mori
 Metabolic profiling of urine by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry using non-covalently coated capillaries / Rawi Ramautar
 CE-MS for the analysis of amino acids / Karina Trevisan Rodrigues, Marina Franco Maggi Tavares, and Ann Van Schepdael
 NMR analysis of fecal samples / Hye Kyong Kim, Sarantos Kostidis, and Young Hae Choi
 Quantitative analysis of central energy metabolism in cell culture samples / Sarantos Kostidis
 Mass spectrometry imaging of metabolites / Benjamin Balluff and Liam A. McDonnell
 Quality-assured biobanking : the Leiden University Medical Center model / Rianne Haumann and Hein W. Verspaget
 Extracting knowledge from MS clinical metabolomic data : processing and analysis strategies / Julien Boccard and Serge Rudaz.
Schlagwörter:(s)Metabolomik   i
 (s)Metabolomik   i
RVK-Notation:WB 1036   i
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

UBN/WB 1036 G454QR-CodeZweigstelle Neuenheim / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planbestellbar
Mediennummer: 10551276

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