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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Präsenznutzung
Signatur: <ES> F 32-170   QR-Code
Standort: Ausseruniversitaere Bibli / Evangelische Studiengemei
Exemplare: siehe unten
Mitwirkende:Oesterreicher, John M. [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Sinai, Anne [HerausgeberIn]   i
Institutionen:American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East   i
Verf.angabe:edited by John M. Oesterreicher and Anne Sinai. Prepared under the auspices of the American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East
Verlagsort:New York
Verlag:John Day
Umfang:xvi, 302 pages
Format:24 cm
Fussnoten:Includes bibliographical references and index
Ang. zum Inhalt:I. The documented past ; Jerusalem in archaeology and history / Michael Avi-Yonah
 Jerusalem in the modern era : 1860-1967 / Zeʻev Vilnay
 An economic history of Jerusalem / Alfred E. Lieber
 Jerusalem under the Mandate / Terence Prittie
 The siege of Jerusalem / Marie Syrkin
 The divided city : 1948-1967 / Gabriel Padon
 The juridical status of Jerusalem / Yehuda Z. Blum
 Jerusalem as the capital of Israel / Hirsch Goodman
 II. The communities ; The Jewish presence in Jerusalem throughout the ages / Menashe Harel
 The Arabs in Jerusalem / Ori Stendel
 The role of Histadrut in East Jerusalem / Gideon Weigert
 Jerusalem planning : a progress report / Nathaniel Lichfield
 What it means to be mayor of the city of peace / Teddy Kollek
 III. The holy city ; The biblical concept of Jerusalem / Shemaryahu Talmon
 Jerusalem in Jewish consciousness / Mordecai S. Chertoff
 The sanctity of Jerusalem in Islam / Hava Lazarus-Yafeh
 Jerusalem -- a Christian perspective / Joseph P. Brennan
 The Christian churches in present-day Israel / Gabriel Grossmann
 Reflections on Jerusalem : a philosopher's view / Nathan Rotenstreich
 Jerusalem the free / John M. Oesterreicher.
Abstract:This collection of essays views Jerusalem from many different perspectives. Section 1 deals with political history. Section 2 deals with what Jerusalem means to its Jewish, Christian, and Islamic communities and how they co-exist. Section 3 deals with Jerusalem's role as a holy city to the three faiths
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: Jerusalem. - New York, John Day [1974]
 Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: Jerusalem. - New York, John Day [1974]
RVK-Notation:BC 8761   i
 NR 9035   i

<ES> F 32-170QR-CodeAusseruniversitaere Bibliotheken / Evangelische StudiengemeinschaftPräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 62918967

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