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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Präsenznutzung
Signatur: KG Yf 49   QR-Code
Standort: Fakultätsbibliothek Theo /
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Titel:The history of the "Slave of Christ"
Titelzusatz:from Jewish child to Christian martyr
Mitwirkende:Butts, Aaron Michael [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Gross, Simcha [HerausgeberIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited and translated by Aaron Michael Butts & Simcha Gross
Verlagsort:Piscataway, NJ
Verlag:Gorgias Press
Umfang:xii, 255 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Persian martyr acts in Syriac ; 6
Fussnoten:In Syriac; with translation, notes, and commentary in English ; Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Schrift/Sprache:In Syriac; with translation, notes, and commentary in English
Abstract:"The History of the 'Slave of Christ' : From Jewish Child to Christian Martyr offers the first critical editions and English translations of the two Syriac recensions of this fascinating text, which narrates the story of a young Jewish child, Asher, who after converting to Christianity and taking the name ʻAbda da-Miḥa ('slave of Christ') is martyred by his father Levi in a scene reminiscent of Abraham's offering of Isaac in Genesis 22. In a detailed introduction, the authors argue that the text is a fictional story composed during the early Islamic period (ca. 650-850) probably in Shigar (modern Sinjār). Building upon methodology from the study of Western Christian and Jewish texts, they further contend that the story's author constructs an imagined Jew based on the Hebrew Bible, thereby challenging the way that previous scholars have used this text as straightforward evidence for historical interactions between Jews and Christians in Babylonia at this time. This ultimately allows the authors to reevaluate the purpose of the text and to situate it in its Late Antique Babylonian context"--
 Syriac Manuscript Witnesses -- Versions: Arabic, Armenian, and Georgian -- Syriac recensions -- Development of the Syriac text -- Shigar -- Etiology of Cult Sites -- Date of Composition: ca. 650 ca. 850 -- The name ʻAbdā da-mšíḥā -- Child Martyrs -- Use of the Old Testament -- Jews around Shigar -- Jews in the history of ʻAbdā da-mšíḥā -- Legend of the Judenknaben -- The 'Why' question -- Syriac Recension, A -- Syriac Recension B
Schlagwörter:(s)Judentum   i / (s)Konversion <Religion>   i / (s)Christentum   i / (s)Märtyrer   i / (g)Irak   i / (g)Sinjar   i / (s)Legende   i / (t)Märtyrerakten   i / (s)Syrisch   i / (s)Handschrift   i
 (k)Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kirche von Antiochien   i / (s)Judentum   i / (s)Konversion <Religion>   i / (s)Christentum   i / (s)Märtyrer   i / (g)Irak   i / (g)Sinjar   i / (s)Legende   i / (t)Märtyrerakten   i / (s)Syrisch   i
 (s)Judentum   i / (s)Christentum   i / (s)Konversion <Religion>   i / (s)Märtyrer   i / (g)Irak   i / (g)Sinjar   i / (t)Märtyrerakten   i / (s)Syrisch   i / (s)Handschrift   i / (k)Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kirche von Antiochien   i
Sprache:eng syr
RVK-Notation:EM 8620   i
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

KG Yf 49QR-CodeFakultätsbibliothek TheologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 31169718

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