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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Verfasst von:Walz, Christopher   i
Titel:The Two-Photon Decay of the 11-/2 Isomer of 137Ba and Mixed-Symmetry States of 92,94Zr and 94Mo
Verf.angabe:by Christopher Walz
Ausgabe:1st ed. 2016
Umfang:Online-Ressource (XV, 160 p. 71 illus., 62 illus. in color, online resource)
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Springer Theses, Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research
 SpringerLink : Bücher
Fussnoten:Description based upon print version of record
Abstract:Introduction -- Theoretical Background of the Two-Photon Decay Experiment -- Experimental Setup of the Two-Photon Decay Experiment -- Data Analysis and Results of the Two-Photon Decay Experiment -- Theoretical Background of the Proton Scattering Experiments -- The Experimental Setup at iThemba LABS -- Data Analysis and Results of the Proton Scattering Experiments -- Interpretation -- Summary & Outlook.
 This work focuses on new electromagnetic decay mode in nuclear physics. The first part of the thesis presents the observation of the two-photon decay for a transition where the one-photon decay is allowed. In the second part, so called quadrupole mixed-symmetry is investigated in inelastic proton scattering experiments. In 1930 Nobel-prize winner M. Goeppert-Mayer was the first to discuss the two-photon decay of an exited state in her doctoral thesis. This process has been observed many times in atomic physics. However in nuclear physics data is sparse. Here this decay mode has only been observed for the special case of a transition between nuclear states with spin and parity quantum number 0+. For such a transition, the one-photon decay – the main experimental obstacle to observe the two-photon decay – is forbidden. Furthermore, the energy sharing and angular distributions were measured, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the multipoles contributing to the two-photon transition. Quadrupole mixed-symmetry states are an excitation mode in spherical nuclei which are sensitive to the strength of the quadrupole residual interaction. A new signature for these interesting states is presented which allows identification of mixed-symmetry states independently of electromagnetic transition strengths. Furthermore this signature represents a valuable additional observable to test model predictions for mixed-symmetry states.
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Schlagwörter:(s)Barium-137   i / (s)Radioaktiver Zerfall   i / (s)Zweiphotonenerzeugung   i
 (s)Zirkoniumisotop   i / (s)Molybdänisotop   i / (s)Zinkisotop   i / (s)Protonenstreuung   i / (s)Wirkungsquerschnitt   i
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