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Signatur: 2012 A 9300   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
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Titel:"Godhead here in hiding"
Titelzusatz:incarnation and the history of human suffering
Mitwirkende:Merrigan, Terrence [Hrsg.]   i
Verf.angabe:ed. by Terrence Merrigan ...
Verlagsort:Leuven [u.a.]
Umfang:XII, 501 S.
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium ; 234
Ang. zum Inhalt:God's self-identification with the godforsaken : exegesis and theology / Richard Bauckham
 The salvific causality of the cry of abandon : a response to Richard Bauckham / Emmanuel Durand
 The cross over Bethlehem / Gerald O'Collins
 Jesus Christ : life as passion for the kingdom of God : a response to Gerald O'Collins / Roman A. Siebenrock
 The identity of the risen Jesus : finding Jesus Christ in the poor / Sarah Coakley
 Christ enfleshed and risen : a response to Sarah Coakley / Susan K. Roll
 Incarnation and suffering : on rereading Augustine / David Tracy
 Response to David Tracy's "Incarnation and suffering : on rereading Augustine" / Lieven Boeve
 Apathos epathen : patristic reflection on the problem of suffering, the cross, and the incarnation : response to a public crisis in the 4th century / Frances Young
 Divine apatheia in the early church : Gregory of Nyssa on the passionless generation of the Son : a response to Frances Young / Johan Leemans
 The mission of the church in Asia : living the incarnation in poverty and plurality / Luis Antonio G. Tagle
 Response to Bishop Chito Tagle / Eamonn Mulcahy
 God's Word to the world : Jesus and the Qurʼān, incarnation and recitation / Daniel A. Madigan
 Response to Daniel Madigan's "God's Word to the world : Jesus and the Qurʼān, incarnation and recitation" / Declan Marmion
 The aim of communion and the end of suffering : Christian faith and the dialogue of human need / S. Mark Heim
 Buddhist and Christian attitudes to suffering / Perry Schmidt-Leukel
 Suffering and human responsibility : a socio-ethical reflection from an Islamic perspective / Kemal Ataman
 Kenosis in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians : the way of the suffering Philippian community to salvation / Teresa Kuo-Yu Tsui
 Glorification through incarnation and humiliation in the Fourth Gospel / Gilbert Van Belle
 "Always carrying the dying of Jesus in the body" (2 Cor 4:10) : apostolic suffering as participation in the dying and the life of Jesus, and as an epiphany of God's power / Dominika A. Kurek-Chomycz
 Filius et filii Dei : the incarnational hermeneutics of John 1:13-14 / Joseph Pamplaniyil
 God's participation in human suffering in the early Christian theology of martyrdom / Paul L. Gavrilyuk
 Suffering, Eucharist and early Christologies : a study of the motive of saving efficacy of suffering in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch, the Martyrdom of Polycarp, and the Didache / Taras Khomych
 The hidden revelation of God : Brabantine mystics on the incarnation in the present / Rob Faesen
 Communion ecclesiology and the extra-Calvinisticum / Arie J. Griffioen
 Hegel's philosophical consciousness and the suffering of the Christ / Larry D. Harwood
 Baader on the incarnation : incentives for a sound Christology / Joris Geldhof
 Incarnation and suffering in late-modern Anglican theology : in search of an anthropological perspective / Christophe Moonen
 Volk und Wahrheit : a principle of incarnation in Heidegger's Nazi lectures / Tom Jacobs
 "Thinking towards God" by "thinking towards man" : Piet Schoonenberg's Christological thought in the line of the "nouvelle théologie" / Jürgen Mettepenningen
 The kenosis of God : Vattimo and Levinas on incarnation, "useless" suffering, and the secularization of history / Marie L. Baird
 "Stay with us--" (Luke 24:29), "Come, Lord Jesus" (Rev 22:20) : incarnation, eschatology, and theology's luxurious predicament / Anthony J. Godzieba
 Seeing good in a world of suffering : incarnation as God's transforming vision / Philip J. Rossi
 The hint half guessed, the gift half understood : incarnation at the intersection of divine communication and human poesis / Beáta Tóth
 On incarnation in the work of Slavoj Žižek / Frederiek Depoortere
 Morality and truth : incarnational versus non-incarnational theology / Frederik Glorieux.
Schlagwörter:(s)Inkarnation Jesu   i / (s)Leid   i / (s)Deus absconditus   i
 Konferenzschrift: (2005 : Löwen)
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

2012 A 9300QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10390871

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