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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Präsenznutzung
Signatur: 410/KAT/NEW Y/2012   QR-Code
Standort: Bereichsbibl Altertumswis / Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:Nomads and networks
Titelzusatz:the ancient art and culture of Kazakhstan
Mitwirkende:Stark, Sören [Hrsg.]   i
Institutionen:New York University / Institute for the Study of the Ancient World   i
Verf.angabe:ed. by Soren Stark ... [et al.]
Verlagsort:Princeton [u.a.]
Verlag:Princeton University Press
Umfang:195 S.
Format:31 cm
Fussnoten:Published in association with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University
Ang. zum Inhalt:The roots of Iron Age pastoral nomadic culture / Nikolay A. Bokovenko and Zainolla S. Samashev
 The roots of Iron Age pastoral nomadic culture / Nikolay A. Bokovenko and Zainolla S. Samashev
 The Berel Kurgans: some results of investigation / Zainolla S. Samashev
 Results of multidisciplinary studies and reconstructions of materials from the Baigetobe Kurgan at Shilikty / Abdesh T. Toleubaev, Al-Farabi Kazakh
 Some questions regarding the rock art of Kazakhstan / Sagynbay Myrgabayev
 Burial practices and social roles of Iron Age mobile pastoralists / Karen S. Rubinson
 Mounted warfare and its sociopolitical implications / Bryan K. Hanks
 Nomads and their networks: elites and their connections to the outside world / Sören Stark
 Cycles of Iron Age mobility and sedentism: climate, landscape, and material culture in southeastern Kazakhstan / Claudia Chang
 Society and culture of the nomads of central Asia through time / Nursan Alimbai.
 The Berel Kurgans: some results of investigation / Zainolla S. Samashev
 Results of multidisciplinary studies and reconstructions of materials from the Baigetobe Kurgan at Shilikty / Abdesh T. Toleubaev, Al-Farabi Kazakh
 Some questions regarding the rock art of Kazakhstan / Sagynbay Myrgabayev
 Burial practices and social roles of Iron Age mobile pastoralists / Karen S. Rubinson
 Mounted warfare and its sociopolitical implications / Bryan K. Hanks
 Nomads and their networks: elites and their connections to the outside world / Sören Stark
 Cycles of Iron Age mobility and sedentism: climate, landscape, and material culture in southeastern Kazakhstan / Claudia Chang
 Society and culture of the nomads of central Asia through time / Nursan Alimbai.
Abstract:Presents an unparalleled overview of the sophisticated culture of pastoral nomadic populations who lived on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan from roughly the middle of the first millennium BC to the early centuries AD.--Book Jacket
Schlagwörter:(g)Kasachstan   i / (s)Kunst   i / (s)Kleinkunst   i / (s)Felsbild   i / (s)Kultur   i / (s)Archäologie   i / (s)Funde   i / (s)Vor- und Frühgeschichte   i / (s)Eisenzeit   i / (s)Skythen   i / (s)Saken   i / (z)Geschichte   i
RVK-Notation:LF 8700   i

410/KAT/NEW Y/2012QR-CodeBereichsbibl Altertumswissenschafte / Ur- und FrühgeschichtePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 58719161

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