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Standort: Campusbibliothek Bergheim / Freihandbereich Monograph
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+ Andere Auflagen/Ausgaben
Titel:The philosophy of economics
Titelzusatz:an anthology
Mitwirkende:Hausman, Daniel M. [Hrsg.]   i
Verf.angabe:ed. by Daniel M. Hausman
Ausgabe:2. ed.
Verlagsort:Cambridge [u.a.]
Verlag:Cambridge Univ. Press
Umfang:VIII, 469 S
Format:24 cm
Inhalt:Pt. I. [Classic discussions] --On the definition and method of political economy / John Stuart Mill --Objectivity and understanding in economics / Max Weber --The nature and significance of economic science / Lionel Robbins --Economics and human action / Frank Knight --Ideology and method in political economy / Karl Marx
 Pt. III. [Economics, ideology, and ethics] ; Science and ideology / Joseph Schumpeter
 The limitations of marginal utility / Thorstein Veblen
 Pt. II. [Positivism and economic methodology] ; On verification in economics / Terence W. Hutchison
 On indirect verification / Fritz Machlup
 The methodology of positive economics / Milton Friedman
 Testability and approximation / Herbert Simon
 Why look under the hood? / Daniel M. Hausman
 Science and ideology in economics / Robert M. Solow
 Economics, rationality, and ethics / Daniel M. Hausman and Michael S. McPherson
 Pt. IV. [Special methodological problems and perspectives] ; On econometric tools / Jacob Marschak
 Economic model construction and econometrics / John Maynard Keynes
 The corporation and the economist / Dennis C. Mueller
 The market as a creative process / James M. Buchanan and Viktor J. Vanberg
 Methodological differences between institutional and neoclassical economics / William Dugger
 Pt. V. [New philosophical directions and questions] ; Paradigms versus research programmes in the history of economics / Mark Blaug
 If economics isn't science, what is it? /Alexander Rosen ; The rhetoric of economics / Donald N. McCloskey.
Schlagwörter:(s)Wirtschaftsphilosophie   i
Sonstige Nr.:Identnummer: 93005496
RVK-Notation:CC 3900   i
 QB 100   i
 QC 010   i

WS/QB 100 H376(2)QR-CodeCampusbibliothek Bergheim / Freihandbereich Monographienbestellbar
Digital reprint 2002. - Mediennummer: 57247796

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