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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
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Titel:The history of Southern literature
Mitwirkende:Rubin, Louis D. <Jr.> [Hrsg.]   i
Verf.angabe:General Ed. Louis D[ecimus] Rubin
Verlagsort:Baton Rouge, La. [u.a.]
Verlag:Louisiana State Univ. Press
Umfang:XIV, 626 S.
Ang. zum Inhalt:pt. 1. Colonial and antebellum Southern literature, 1607-1860. The beginnings ; Captain John Smith / J.A. Leo Lemay
 pt. 3. The Southern renascence, 1920-1950. The ambivalent heart : literary revival in Richmond / Edgar E. MacDonald
 pt. 4. The recent South, 1951-1982. A second generation of novelists / Thomas Daniel Young
 Literature in the eighteenth-century colonial South / Robert D. Arner
 William Byrd of Westover / Robert Bain
 The ideology of revolution / Lewis P. Simpson
 1776-1815 / Lewis Leary
 The old South, 1815-1840 / Craig Werner
 Antebellum fiction ; William Gilmore Simms / Mary Ann Wimsatt
 Antebellum poetry / Rayburn S. Moore
 Edgar Allan Poe / Robert D. Jacobs
 Antebellum humor / Mary Ann Wimsatt and Robert L. Phillips
 Literary magazines in the old South / Richard J. Calhoun
 The mind of the antebellum South / Lewis P. Simpson
 pt. 2. The war and after, 1861-1920. The Civil War and authorship / Elisabeth Muhlenfeld
 Poetry of the late nineteenth century / Rayburn S. Moore
 Local color in Louisiana / Thomas Richardson
 Plantation fiction, 1865-1900 / Lucinda H. Mackethan
 Varieties of local color / Merrill Maguire Skaggs
 Kate Chopin / Anne Rowe
 Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) / Louis D. Rubin, Jr.
 Henry W. Grady and the new South / Dewey W. Grantham
 Humor, romance, and realism at the turn of the century / Wayne Mixon
 The rise of the critical temper / Fred Hobson
 Fiction in the 1920s : some new voices / Joseph M. Flora
 Southern standard-bearers in the new Negro Renaissance / Thadious M. Davis
 The new poetry / Mark Royden Winchell
 The fugitives : Ransom, Davidson, Tate / Thomas Daniel Young
 William Faulkner / Cleanth Brooks
 Thomas Wolfe / Louis D. Rubin, Jr.
 The fiction of social commitment / James Mellard
 The memory of the war / John Pilkington
 Gone with the wind and others : popular fiction, 1920-1950 / Anne Goodwyn Jones
 The passion of craft / M.E. Bradford
 Black novelists and novels, 1930-1950 / Lee Greene
 Regions and rebels / Herschel Gower
 Editors and critics / Thomas Daniel Young
 The search for identity / William C. Havard
 The Agrarians / Thomas Daniel Young
 Modern Southern drama / Jacob H. Adler
 Richard Wright / Blyden Jackson
 Robert Penn Warren / James H. Justus
 Eudora Welty / Peggy Whitman Prenshaw
 James Agee / David Marion Holman
 William Styron / Lewis A. Lawson
 Truman Capote / Thomas Bonner, Jr.
 Carson McCullers / Joseph R. Millichap
 Flannery O'Connor / Louise Y. Gossett
 Peter Taylor / David Marion Holman
 Elizabeth Spencer / Peggy Whitman Prenshaw
 Shelby Foote / Robert L. Phillips
 Walker Percy / Lewis A. Lawson
 Ralph W. Ellison ; Ernest J. Gaines / Theodore R. Hudson
 John Barth / Lewis A. Lawson
 Reynolds Price / Michael Kreyling
 Madison Jones / M.E. Bradford
 Old ways and new ways / Martha E. Cook
 Poets after midcentury / James H. Justus
 Randall Jarrell / William Harmon
 James Dickey / Richard J. Calhoun
 Archie Randolph Ammons / William Harmon
 Black writers in a changed landscape, since 1950 / Trudier Harris
 The future of Southern writing / Donald R. Noble
 The study of Southern literature / M. Thomas Inge
 The black academy and Southern literature / Blyden Jackson.
Abstract:pt. 1. Colonial and antebellum Southern literature, 1607-1860. The beginnings ; Captain John Smith / J.A. Leo Lemay -- Literature in the eighteenth-century colonial South / Robert D. Arner -- William Byrd of Westover / Robert Bain -- The ideology of revolution / Lewis P. Simpson -- 1776-1815 / Lewis Leary -- The old South, 1815-1840 / Craig Werner -- Antebellum fiction ; William Gilmore Simms / Mary Ann Wimsatt -- Antebellum poetry / Rayburn S. Moore -- Edgar Allan Poe / Robert D. Jacobs -- Antebellum humor / Mary Ann Wimsatt and Robert L. Phillips -- Literary magazines in the old South / Richard J. Calhoun -- The mind of the antebellum South / Lewis P. Simpson -- pt. 2. The war and after, 1861-1920. The Civil War and authorship / Elisabeth Muhlenfeld -- Poetry of the late nineteenth century / Rayburn S. Moore -- Local color in Louisiana / Thomas Richardson -- Plantation fiction, 1865-1900 / Lucinda H. Mackethan -- Varieties of local color / Merrill Maguire Skaggs -- Kate Chopin / Anne Rowe -- Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) / Louis D. Rubin, Jr. -- Henry W. Grady and the new South / Dewey W. Grantham -- Humor, romance, and realism at the turn of the century / Wayne Mixon -- The rise of the critical temper / Fred Hobson --
 pt. 3. The Southern renascence, 1920-1950. The ambivalent heart : literary revival in Richmond / Edgar E. MacDonald -- Fiction in the 1920s : some new voices / Joseph M. Flora -- Southern standard-bearers in the new Negro Renaissance / Thadious M. Davis -- The new poetry / Mark Royden Winchell -- The fugitives : Ransom, Davidson, Tate / Thomas Daniel Young -- William Faulkner / Cleanth Brooks -- Thomas Wolfe / Louis D. Rubin, Jr. -- The fiction of social commitment / James Mellard -- The memory of the war / John Pilkington -- Gone with the wind and others : popular fiction, 1920-1950 / Anne Goodwyn Jones -- The passion of craft / M.E. Bradford -- Black novelists and novels, 1930-1950 / Lee Greene -- Regions and rebels / Herschel Gower -- Editors and critics / Thomas Daniel Young -- The search for identity / William C. Havard -- The Agrarians / Thomas Daniel Young -- Modern Southern drama / Jacob H. Adler -- Richard Wright / Blyden Jackson -- Robert Penn Warren / James H. Justus --
 pt. 4. The recent South, 1951-1982. A second generation of novelists / Thomas Daniel Young -- Eudora Welty / Peggy Whitman Prenshaw -- James Agee / David Marion Holman -- William Styron / Lewis A. Lawson -- Truman Capote / Thomas Bonner, Jr. -- Carson McCullers / Joseph R. Millichap -- Flannery O'Connor / Louise Y. Gossett -- Peter Taylor / David Marion Holman -- Elizabeth Spencer / Peggy Whitman Prenshaw -- Shelby Foote / Robert L. Phillips -- Walker Percy / Lewis A. Lawson -- Ralph W. Ellison ; Ernest J. Gaines / Theodore R. Hudson -- John Barth / Lewis A. Lawson -- Reynolds Price / Michael Kreyling -- Madison Jones / M.E. Bradford -- Old ways and new ways / Martha E. Cook -- Poets after midcentury / James H. Justus -- Randall Jarrell / William Harmon -- James Dickey / Richard J. Calhoun -- Archie Randolph Ammons / William Harmon -- Black writers in a changed landscape, since 1950 / Trudier Harris -- The future of Southern writing / Donald R. Noble -- The study of Southern literature / M. Thomas Inge -- The black academy and Southern literature / Blyden Jackson
Schlagwörter:(g)USA <Südstaaten>   i / (s)Literatur   i / (z)Geschichte   i
 (g)USA <Südstaaten>   i / (s)Literatur   i / (z)Geschichte   i
 (g)USA <Südstaaten>   i / (s)Literatur   i / (z)Geschichte 1607-1982   i
 (z)Geschichte   i
RVK-Notation:HR 1540   i

87 A 3898QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 03478475
F SA 1311QR-CodeAnglistisches SeminarPräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 60448059, Inventarnummer: 59075

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