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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Signatur: WS/ME 3000 A673   QR-Code
Standort: Campusbibliothek Bergheim / Freihandbereich Monograph
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:Re-imagining political community
Titelzusatz:studies in cosmopolitan democracy
Mitwirkende:Archibugi, Daniele [Hrsg.]   i
 Held, David   i
 Köhler, Martin   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Daniele Archibugi, David Held and Martin Köhler
Ausgabe:1. publ.
Verlagsort:Cambridge [u.a.]
Verlag:Polity Press
Umfang:XIII, 352 S.
Format:24 cm
Fussnoten:Includes index
Ang. zum Inhalt:Democracy and globalization / David Held
 Democracy and globalization / David Held
 Governance and democracy in a globalizing world / James N. Rosenau
 Human rights as a model for cosmopolitan democracy / David Beetham
 The global democracy deficit : an essay in international law and its limits / James Crawford and Susan Marks
 Reconceptualizing organized violence / Mary Kaldor
 Citizenship and sovereignty in the post-Westphalian European state / Andrew Linklater
 Citizenship in the European Union : a paradigm for transnational democracy? / Ulrich K. Preu
 Between cosmopolis and community : three models of rights and democracy within the European Union / Richard Bellamy and Dario Castiglione
 Community identity and world citizenship / Janna Thompson
 Principles of cosmopolitan democracy / Daniele Archibugi
 From the national to the cosmopolitan public sphere / Martin Köhler
 Global security problems and the challenge to democratic process / Gwyn Prins and Elizabeth Sellwood
 Refugees : a special case for cosmopolitan citizenship? / Pierre Hassner
 Democracy in the United Nations system : cosmopolitan and communitarian principles / Derk Bienen, Volker Rittberger and Wolfgang Wagner
 The United Nations and cosmopolitan democracy : bad dream, utopian fantasy, political project / Richard Falk.
 Governance and democracy in a globalizing world / James N. Rosenau
 Human rights as a model for cosmopolitan democracy / David Beetham
 The global democracy deficit : an essay in international law and its limits / James Crawford and Susan Marks
 Reconceptualizing organized violence / Mary Kaldor
 Citizenship and sovereignty in the post-Westphalian European state / Andrew Linklater
 Citizenship in the European Union : a paradigm for transnational democracy? / Ulrich K. Preuβ
 Between cosmopolis and community : three models of rights and democracy within the European Union / Richard Bellamy and Dario Castiglione
 Community identity and world citizenship / Janna Thompson
 Principles of cosmopolitan democracy / Daniele Archibugi
 From the national to the cosmopolitan public sphere / Martin Köhler
 Global security problems and the challenge to democratic process / Gwyn Prins and Elizabeth Sellwood
 Refugees : a special case for cosmopolitan citizenship? / Pierre Hassner
 Democracy in the United Nations system : cosmopolitan and communitarian principles / Derk Bienen, Volker Rittberger and Wolfgang Wagner
 The United Nations and cosmopolitan democracy : bad dream, utopian fantasy, political project / Richard Falk.
Schlagwörter:(s)Demokratisierung   i / (s)Globalisierung   i / (s)Staatsangehörigkeit   i / (s)Internationale Kooperation   i
RVK-Notation:ME 3000   i
Sonst. Schlagwort:(s)Beziehg,internat. ; (s)Demokratie ; (s)Weltpolitik ; (s)Globalisierung ; (s)Bürgerrecht

WS/ME 3000 A673QR-CodeCampusbibliothek Bergheim / Freihandbereich Monographienbestellbar
Mediennummer: 30027089, Inventarnummer: 61870
<ES> 846 Reim/ArcQR-CodeAusseruniversitaere Bibliotheken / Evangelische StudiengemeinschaftPräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 62869205, Inventarnummer: 39448gs
JU/ME 3000 A673QR-CodeBibl. der Juristischen FakultätPräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 61524047, Inventarnummer: 2000/297

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