author={Smith, Linda Tuhiwai},
title={Decolonizing methodologies},
subtitle={research and indigenous peoples},
edition={Third edition},
publisher={Bloomsbury Academic},
address={London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney},
pages={XXXV, 302 Seiten},
isbn={978-1-350-34608-6 and 978-1-78699-812-5},
note={Literaturangaben, Tabellen ; Introduction to the Third Edition; Introduction; 1. Imperialism, History, Writing and Theory; 2. Research through Imperial Eyes; 3. Colonizing Knowledges; 4. Research Adventures on Indigenous Land; 5. Notes from Down Under; 6. The Indigenous People's Project: Setting a New Agenda; 7. Articulating an Indigenous Research Agenda; 8. Twenty-Five Indigenous Projects; 10. Responding to the Imperatives of an Indigenous Agenda: A Case Study of Maori ; 11. Towards Developing Indigenous Methodologies: Kaupapa Maori Research; 12. Choosing the Margins: The Role of Research in Indigenous Struggles for Social Justice; 13. Getting the Story Right, Telling the Story Well: Indigenous Activism, Indigenous Research; Reflections; Index ; "Third edition" vom Einband und Buchr{\"u}cken},
keywords={Ethnosoziologie / Entkolonialisierung / Methodologie / Theorie / Sozialwissenschaften / Forschung / Forschungsgegenstand / Fremdbild / Ursache / Kritik},
library={RO [Signatur: RO/LB 31000 S654]},