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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Disk Speichern
  author={Beckman, Gary M. and Bryce, Trevor and Cline, Eric H.},
  title={The Ahhiyawa texts},
  publisher={Society of Biblical Literature},
  address={Atlanta, Ga.},
  pages={XIV, 302 S.},
  language={eng and hit},
  isbn={978-1-58983-268-8 and 1-58983-268-X},
  series={Writings from the ancient world},
  note={Includes bibliographical references and index. - Einl. engl., Texte hethitisch u. engl},
  keywords={Hethitisch / Keilschrifttext / Mykene / Geschichte 1500 v. Chr.-1200 v. Chr.},
  library={OR [Signatur: <OR> Cg 66 / 2] ; WT [Signatur: AT Pb 25]},

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