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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Präsenznutzung
Signatur: <OR> KEb 2022 - 003   QR-Code
Standort: Sem. Sprachen+Kulturen Vo / Islamwissenschaften
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Yaghoobi, Claudia [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Temporary marriage in Iran
Titelzusatz:gender and body politics in modern Iranian film and literature
Verf.angabe:Claudia Yaghoobi (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Ausgabe:First paperback edition
Verlagsort:Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA ; Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia ; New Delhi, India ; Singapore
Verlag:Cambridge University Press
Umfang:xii, 298 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:The global Middle East ; [12]
Fussnoten:Reihenzählung gemäß Verlagsseite
Vor/Abspann:"In Iran, marriage has been crucial to the establishment of the family as a fundamental unit of society. Religiously speaking, marriage is a fundamental aspect of Islam, the dominant religion in Iran. The Quran abounds in verses describing the genesis of life based on love, sex, and procreation. However, sexuality can also impinge directly on the social order and thus must be regulated through marriage. In the case of Iranian women, according to Soraya Tremayne, marriage is especially "fundamental to the social identity of all women, regardless of their achievements in other spheres of life, and pressure on women to marry persists." This pressure stems from the patriarchal system in which women gain social status through their relationship with a man. Before marriage, social identity is granted through the connection of a woman with her father or legal guardian. After marriage, her status derives from a woman's relationship with her husband. Such relationships relegate women to the domain of spouse, mother, and daughter. Women are defined in the context of their relationships with their men and therefore remain in the shadows. Hence, women are considered extensions of the men in their family, whose responsibility it is to police these women's sexuality. This type of power structure is why unmarried, divorced, or widowed women pose a threat to the social order of a community, due to their alleged unbridled sexuality. Therefore, sigheh (temporary) marriages are mainly encouraged for unmarried, divorced, or widowed women in an effort to keep them sexually satisfied/controlled"-- Provided by publisher.
Schlagwörter:(g)Iran   i / (s)Film   i / (s)Mut'a   i / (s)Geschlechterrolle   i
 (s)Persisch   i / (s)Literatur   i / (s)Mut'a   i / (s)Geschlechterrolle   i
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<OR> KEb 2022 - 003QR-CodeSem. Sprachen+Kulturen Vord. Orient / IslamwissenschaftenPräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 61325521, Inventarnummer: 2022/122

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