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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Titel:Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians
Titelzusatz:Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact
Mitwirkende:Karátson, Dávid [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Veres, Daniel [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Gertisser, Ralf [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Magyari, Enikő K. [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Jánosi, Csaba [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Hambach, Ulrich [HerausgeberIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Dávid Karátson, Daniel Veres, Ralf Gertisser, Enikő K. Magyari, Csaba Jánosi, Ulrich Hambach
Ausgabe:1st ed. 2022.
Verlag:Springer International Publishing
 Imprint: Springer
Umfang:1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 282 p. 187 illus., 158 illus. in color.)
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Springer eBook Collection
Abstract:Part I -- History of Research: Geoscientific Exploration of Ciomadul Hills -- Introduction to the Tectonic Evolution of the South-East Carpathians -- Evolution of the Ciomadul Volcanic Field – Lava Domes and Explosive Eruptions -- Petrology of Ciomadul volcano: the rock record -- Gone with the Wind: Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra.
 This book delivers the present state-of-the-art of scientific characteristics of the unique Ciomadul volcano (Romania, East-Central Europe) from as many aspects as possible.. Multidisciplinary research results obtained on this geologically young volcanic complex are presented to a wider audience (geologists, volcanologists, botanists, archaeologists, historians and teachers). Moreover, the book provides information at a general level for interested laypersons and decision-makers. The first part of the book, after summarizing the research history of Ciomadul, presents the details of the volcanism and related topics (volcanology, geology, landscape evolution, minerals, post-volcanic activity and spa culture) in eight chapters; the second part deals with the palaeo-environmental issues of the larger area, along with human history, in nine chapters.
Schlagwörter:(g)Ostkarpaten   i / (g)Rumänien   i / (s)Eruption   i / (s)Krater <Vulkanismus>   i / (s)Tephra   i / (s)Geotourismus   i
 (g)Siebenbürgen   i / (s)Kratersee   i / (s)Pleistozän   i / (s)Vulkanasche   i / (s)Palökologie   i / (s)Vulkangebiet   i
 (g)Sfânta Ana   i / (s)Pyroklastit   i / (s)Mofette   i / (s)Vulkanismus   i / (s)Mineralquelle   i / (s)Mineralwasser   i
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