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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Weber, Richard M
 Harris, Richard
 Vanderzanden, Gerard J
Titel:A Producer's Credo: Part 2
Verlagsort:Bryn Mawr
Verlag:Society of Financial Service Professionals
Inhalt:Building on the July 2022 "In the Client's Best Interest" column in which an aspirational ethos was suggested for clearly addressing and meeting a client's expectations, this column examines in greater detail and scale of timing the agent's intentions and ability to meet a client's lifetime needs-and the ongoing management of their policies. Two guest columnists have joined the author to contribute to the content.
Titel Quelle:Journal of financial service professionals
Jahr Quelle:2022
Band/Heft Quelle:76, 6, S. 25
Sach-SW:Client relationships
 Financial planners
 Financial planning

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