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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Gellately, Robert
Titel:Backing Hitler
Verlag:Oxford University Press
Umfang:1 S.
Fussnoten:ObjectType-Book-1 ; SourceType-Books-1 ; content type line 7
Inhalt:The Nazis never won a majority in free elections, but soon after Hitler took power most Germans turned away from democracy and backed the Nazi regime. Hitler was able to win growing support even as he established the Gestapo and the concentration camps. Yet for over fifty years historians have disputed what the German people knew about these camps and in what ways they were involved in the persecution of ‘race enemies’, slave workers, and social outsiders. This book looks at these issues. The book aims to expose once and for all the subsequent consent and active participation of large numbers of ordinary Germans in the terror. It shows that rather than hide their racist and repressive campaigns from the German people the Nazis trumpeted them in the national papers and on the streets. It reveals how they drew on popular images, cherished German ideals, and long-held phobias to win converts to their cause.
Jahr Quelle:2001
Band/Heft Quelle:S. xvi
URL: ...
 European History
 Interethnic relations
 Modern History (1700 to 1945)
 Political History
 Political support
 Public opinion
 Third Reich

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