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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Brock, Gillian
Titel:Global Justice
Verlag:Oxford University Press
 Oxford University Press, Incorporated
Umfang:383 S.
Fussnoten:ObjectType-Book-1 ; SourceType-Books-1 ; content type line 7
Inhalt:This book develops a viable cosmopolitan model of global justice that takes seriously the equal moral worth of persons, yet leaves scope for defensible forms of nationalism and for other legitimate identifications and affiliations people have. The book addresses two prominent skeptics about global justice: those who doubt its feasibility and those who believe that cosmopolitanism interferes illegitimately with the defensible scope of nationalism by undermining goods of national importance, such as authentic democracy or national self‐determination. The model addresses concerns about implementation in the world, showing how we can move from theory to public policy that makes progress toward global justice. It also makes clear how legitimate forms of nationalism are compatible with commitments to global justice. The book is divided into three central parts. In the first, the book defends a cosmopolitan model of global justice. In the second, which is largely concerned with public policy issues, it argues that there is much we can and should do toward achieving global justice. The book addresses several pressing problems, discussing bo theoretical and public policy issues involved with each. These include tackling global poverty, taxation reform, protection of basic liberties, humanitarian intervention, immigration, and problems associated with global economic arrangements. In the third part, the book shows how the discussion of public policy issues can usefully inform our theorizing; in particular, it assists our thinking about the place of nationalism and equality in an account of global justice.
Jahr Quelle:2009
Band/Heft Quelle:S. xvi
URL: ... ...
 Human rights
 International governance
 International law
 Moral Philosophy
 Natural rights
 Social and Political Philosophy
 Social justice

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